Together with my colleague Patrick Pennefather we’re currently designing and getting ready to co-teach a brand-new 15-credit course entitled “Semester in Alternate Realities”

In this project-based course, participants will be challenged to develop solutions using technologies such as VR (e.g., Oculus Rift, HTC Vive) and immersive multi-modal media installations. In addition to focusing on the co-construction of digital prototypes affording meaningful experiences in “alternate realities”, our objective is to stimulate documented reflection and discussion throughout the process. Participants can expect to work collaboratively, be matched according to the skills they bring, and be provided time and resources to learn new techniques and approaches, soft– and hard skills, and processes to conduct user research. Participants will get the opportunity to reflect on future technologies and their potential impact on the world, and improve their presentation skills and publicly showcase their projects. To incorporate diverse perspectives, students from different disciplines are invited to apply and, in their application, argue how they could contribute to the course and the co-construction of team projects(application deadline: end of October 2018).
This semester’s design challenge is “creating for good”: Use alternate realities techniques and technologies, guiding theoretical frameworks, and appropriate processes, project management and collaboration approaches to iteratively ideate, design, prototype, and evaluate an interactive alternate realities experience that affords meaningful experiences for the betterment of humanity and/or our planet.
To give you an idea what projects might look like, view the VR project videos or this AWE video from previous student teams in courses that Bernhard and Patrick have taught. There is increasing evidence that the immersive nature of VR makes it a powerful medium for “doing good,” and it is particularly well-suited for helping people develop compassion and empathy. In this course, we will explore the potential of doing good using alternate realities (that are booming around the world and particularly in Vancouver)
We’ll have our first Student Virtual Reality Showcase on Friday February 1st, ca 12:30 — 4:30pm, on the SFU Surrey Campus Mezzanine, where the 18 students from different SFU departments show their first immersive project.