Lab Director
Bernhard E. Riecke
Positions and Affiliations: Associate Professor at SFU-SIAT (School of Interactive Arts and Technology) Associate Member of SFU Cognitive Science Program Contact: ber1 at sfu dot ca SIAT homepage: Brief Biography I am a psycho-physicist and Cognitive Scientist who’s excited about studying how humans orient in virtual and r… Read more
- Affiliations:
Full Professor at SFU-SIAT (School of Interactive Arts and Technology)
Associate Member of SFU Cognitive Science Program
- Position:
- Professor
- Email:
- ber1 at sfu dot ca
- Website:
- Projects:
- Sonic Cradle Spatial Updating With(out) Physical Motions? Sympathetic Guitar Auditory Navigation Displays Path Integration in 3D iSpaceMecha Spatial Cognition in VR vs. real world Navigational Search in VR: Do we need to walk? Dynamic Visual Cues for Spatial Updating Embodied Self-Motion Illusions in VR Gyroxus Gaming Chair for Motion Cueing in VR The Tabletop Makerspace Cross-Disciplinary ‘Immersion’ Framework Transition into VR: TransLocation VR in Architecture Design & Review Motion Seats for VR Biofeedback in VR — SOLAR state.scape: EEG-based Responsive Art Installation Immersive & Embodied Teleoperation Interfaces Lost Spirit Pulse Breath Water Lean and Elegant Motion Cueing in VR Virtual Earthgazing — towards an overview effect in Virtual Reality Navigational Search in VR: Do Reference Frames Help? Gamified Research Navigation Interface Tutorial Connected through “AWE”: creating immersive experiences for social connection VR/MR/AR 4 Good: Creating with a Purpose 3D User Interfaces Course NaviBoard: Efficiently Navigating Virtual Environments Embodied & Intuitive Flying for VR, Gaming, and TeleOperation Connecting through JeL – bio-responsive VR for interpersonal synchronization Lucid Loop: A Virtual Deep Learning Biofeedback System for Lucid Dreaming Practice Body RemiXer Immersive Installation for Creative Expression and Public Performance: Transcending Perception BioSpaceVR FaceHaptics: Robot Arm based Versatile Facial Haptics for Immersive Environments Belonging: Embodied Telepresent Human Connection VR Locomotion Interfaces Survey: How to Move in VR? Integrating Continuous and Teleporting VR Locomotion into a Seamless “HyperJump” Paradigm Breath of Light Virtual Transcendent Dream Leaning-based interfaces improve ground-based VR locomotion SIRIUS — Virtual Earthgazing to mitigate effects of sensory isolation Concurrent locomotion and interaction in VR HyperJump flying to combat motion sickness Design Strategies for Genuine Connection Telepresence Novel Cybersickness Measures and Countermeasures BoF Autoethnographic Close Reading of Self-transcendent VR Experiences Synedelica Flow Virtual Earthgazing ETC — Embodied Telepresent Connection Designing with Biosignals Workshop at ACM DIS 2023 InExChange Multisensory Contributions Illusory Self-Motion (Vection) VR Sickness Benchmark System Awedyssey: VR for promoting and enhancing well-being Pathways to flourishing 1st International Workshop on Standardization in Cybersickness Research Cybersickness & Benchmarking Tutorial at ISMAR 2024 Cybersickness Survey: Key Factors and Prevention/Reduction Strategies Unleashing AI in the Classroom VR That Doesn’t Make You Sick: Understanding & Mitigating Cybersickness BRieFLY — A meditative VR experience HemisFear
Denise Quesnel
Denise joined the iSpace team in Fall 2016 as a graduate student and has been involved in the immersive realities as a designer and researcher since 2009. Denise explores how contemplative practices of compassion and positive emotion cultivation like awe and wonder, combined with social support, can be optimized into therapeutic virtual reality (VR) experiences for both clinical and non-clinica… Read more
- Position:
- PhD Student
- Email:
- dquesnel at
- Website:
- Projects:
- Sonic Cradle Virtual Earthgazing — towards an overview effect in Virtual Reality Connected through “AWE”: creating immersive experiences for social connection VR/MR/AR 4 Good: Creating with a Purpose SIRIUS — Virtual Earthgazing to mitigate effects of sensory isolation HyperJump flying to combat motion sickness Awedyssey: VR for promoting and enhancing well-being Pathways to flourishing
Deniz Ural
Deniz joined the iSpace lab in 2024 as a MSc student [more details coming soon]… Read more
- Position:
- MSc student
- Projects:
Hyun Cho
Hyun joined the iSpace lab in 2024 as a PhD student [more details coming soon]… Read more
- Position:
- PhD student
- Projects:
- No projects to display.
Ivan Aguilar
Ivan joined the iSpace team in Fall 2017 as a PhD student. He has a Bachelor in Computer Science and Master’s in Media and Technology, both from the Sao Paulo State University (UNESP) in Brazil, where he researched in the areas of Augmented Reality, Pre-visualization for the Film Pipeline, Photogrammetry, and Computer Graphics. His current research focuses on using interdisciplinary approaches … Read more
- Position:
- PhD student
- Email:
- iaguilar [at]
- Projects:
- Virtual Earthgazing — towards an overview effect in Virtual Reality Connected through “AWE”: creating immersive experiences for social connection Embodied & Intuitive Flying for VR, Gaming, and TeleOperation VR Locomotion Interfaces Survey: How to Move in VR? Leaning-based interfaces improve ground-based VR locomotion Concurrent locomotion and interaction in VR HyperJump flying to combat motion sickness Telepresence
Jacob Sauer
Jacob joined the iSpace lab in Fall 2023 as a MSc student. He holds a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Software Systems Engineering from the University of Regina. During his time at URegina, he also worked as an undergraduate researcher in the Department of Computer Science’s aRMADILo Lab; his research focus was interdisciplinary applications for immersive virtual reality experiences, specif… Read more
- Position:
- MSc Student
- Email:
- jacob_sauer at sfu dot ca
- Projects:
Noah Miller
Noah joined the iSpace team in Fall 2018 as a PhD student. He has a Bachelor and Master’s in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota Duluth. In his Master’s, he researched the difference between interface affordances of real-world and virtual objects in virtual reality. During this time, he also worked in the interdisciplinary MMAD Lab as a motion capture technician and research assis… Read more
- Position:
- PhD Student
- Email:
- noah_miller at
- Projects:
- Gamified Research Connected through “AWE”: creating immersive experiences for social connection NaviBoard: Efficiently Navigating Virtual Environments Embodied & Intuitive Flying for VR, Gaming, and TeleOperation SIRIUS — Virtual Earthgazing to mitigate effects of sensory isolation Autoethnographic Close Reading of Self-transcendent VR Experiences Synedelica Awedyssey: VR for promoting and enhancing well-being Pathways to flourishing
Roman Jahandideh
Roman joined the iSpace lab in 2024 as a PhD student [more details coming soon]… Read more
- Position:
- PhD student
- Projects:
- No projects to display.
Research Interns
Abraham Hashemian
Abraham is a Ph.D. student in School of Interactive Arts & Technology (SIAT) at Simon Fraser University (SFU) with a background in computer science. He is interested in UX/UI research in virtual, augmented, and mixed realities. Moreover, he is interested in immersive game design regarding his knowledge and prior experiences. Background: After finishing his M.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence (A… Read more
- Position:
- PhD Student
- Email:
- hashemia at sfu dot ca
- Website:
- Projects:
Alex Kitson
Alex became a research intern at the iSPACE lab in January 2013, started her Masters in Fall 2014, and articulated into the PhD program in Fall 2015. She has a BSc from the University of British Columbia in Cognitive Systems, a multidisciplinary program that combines psychology, computer science, philosophy, and linguistics. Her research interests involve using an interdisciplinary approach to und… Read more
- Position:
- PhD Student
- Email:
- akitson [at]
- Website:
- Projects:
- Sonic Cradle Spatial Updating With(out) Physical Motions? VR in Architecture Design & Review Motion Seats for VR Immersive & Embodied Teleoperation Interfaces Lost Spirit Lean and Elegant Motion Cueing in VR Virtual Earthgazing — towards an overview effect in Virtual Reality Connected through “AWE”: creating immersive experiences for social connection Connecting through JeL – bio-responsive VR for interpersonal synchronization Lucid Loop: A Virtual Deep Learning Biofeedback System for Lucid Dreaming Practice Immersive Installation for Creative Expression and Public Performance: Transcending Perception BioSpaceVR Belonging: Embodied Telepresent Human Connection Virtual Transcendent Dream SIRIUS — Virtual Earthgazing to mitigate effects of sensory isolation ETC — Embodied Telepresent Connection Designing with Biosignals Workshop at ACM DIS 2023 Awedyssey: VR for promoting and enhancing well-being Pathways to flourishing
Alexander Bretin
Alexander joined the iSpace Lab in Fall 2020 as a PhD student working on a Locomotion Interface for Virtual Reality and Telepresence. He is fascinated by altered states of consciousness and Human-Machine Interfaces. In his Bachelor in Cognitive Science from the University of Osnabrück, Germany he concentrated on psychology, computer science, math, and philosophy. His Master’s in the interdisci… Read more
- Position:
- PhD Student
- Email:
- alexander_bretin at
- Projects:
Allen Chen
Allen joined the iSpace lab in Spring 2023 as a MSc student and recently graduated with his thesis on “How to Combat Cybersickness? Insights from VR Researchers, Content Creators and Gamers”.… Read more
- Position:
- MSc Student
- Email:
- Website:
- Projects:
Andrew Milne
My work is about using education and technology to empower people. As a Master’s student, my research explores the DIY or ‘maker’ community. It stems from my interest in rapid prototyping tools, such as 3D printers and microcontroller boards, and the community’s innovative use of online tools for collaboration, including: open education resources, open licensing on hardwar… Read more
- Affiliations:
Science World, SIAT @ Simon Fraser University, McMaster University
- Position:
- Alumnus (MSc Student, defended in 2014)
- Email:
- amilne [at]
- Website:
- Projects:
Ashu Adhikari
Ashu Adhikari joined the iSpace team in Fall 2018 as a graduate student. His research focuses on creating embodied locomotion interfaces in virtual reality. He is a Professional Engineer with a bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering.… Read more
- Position:
- MSc Student
- Email:
- Projects:
- Gamified Research NaviBoard: Efficiently Navigating Virtual Environments Embodied & Intuitive Flying for VR, Gaming, and TeleOperation Integrating Continuous and Teleporting VR Locomotion into a Seamless “HyperJump” Paradigm Leaning-based interfaces improve ground-based VR locomotion SIRIUS — Virtual Earthgazing to mitigate effects of sensory isolation Concurrent locomotion and interaction in VR HyperJump flying to combat motion sickness Telepresence Autoethnographic Close Reading of Self-transcendent VR Experiences Awedyssey: VR for promoting and enhancing well-being
Daniel Feuereissen
Daniel’s background is in computer science and psychology. He was studying the effect of visual motion illusions (vection) on spatial perception in virtual reality.… Read more
- Position:
- MSc Candidate, defended in 2013
- Email:
- Projects:
Daniel Sproll
While actually still in his undergraduate program of Cognitive Science at the lovely University of Osnabrueck in Germany, Daniel came to the iSpace Lab to finally get his hands dirty with some real scientific work, gather new skills and get an impression of the diverse work done at SIAT — and of course to learn how to cheat the mind and get away with it (all in the name of science, of course).… Read more
- Position:
- Alumnus (Research Intern: Visiting Student from Germany in 2012/2013)
- Projects:
Elena Kneer
Elena is a Masters student at RWTH Aachen and currently a visiting researcher in the iSpace lab doing her Master’s project in Cognitive Psychology in real and virtual environments.… Read more
- Position:
- Alumnus (Visiting Resarcher from RWTH Aachen, Germany
- Email:
- elena.kneer [at]
- Website:
- Projects:
- No projects to display.
Jacqueline Jordan
Jacqueline joined the lab in Fall 2013 working on self-motion perception in VR… Read more
- Position:
- Alumnus (MSc Student in iSpace Lab)
- Email:
- jdjordan at
- Projects:
- No projects to display.
Jake Freiberg
Jake is driven by a constant desire to understand how things work, be they mechanical, psychological, electrical, conceptual, etc. Following his graduation from Iowa State University with a B. Arch and a B.S. in Psychology, he plans to integrate this background into a larger understanding of virtual design tools in the context of psychological processes.… Read more
- Position:
- alumnus (MSc)
- Projects:
Jay Vidyarthi
Jay Vidyarthi is simultaneously a performing musician, human-computer interaction designer and psychological researcher. His experience spans from industry to academia, where he is presently pursuing a Masters degree at the School of Interactive Arts and Technology at SFU. Jay’s portfolio includes a unique brand of psychedelic blues music, comprehensive interface design specifications… Read more
- Affiliations:
SIAT, SFU, McGill University, Yu Centrik; now at
- Position:
- Alumnus (M.Sc.)
- Email:
- Website:
- Projects:
Jim Silvester
Jim has a broad background in Interactive Multimedia and Design. He has developed a multitude of software applications with numerous development environments, hardware devices, and operating systems such as: Unity, UDK, Processing, Xbox Kinect, Occulus Rift, HTML5, Android, and iOS. His primary research interests include creating and evaluating innovative new interfaces for users to move and … Read more
- Position:
- Alumnus
- Email:
- Website:
- Projects:
- No projects to display.
John Desnoyers-Stewart, PhD
Dr. John Desnoyers-Stewart is an interdisciplinary artist-researcher who creates immersive installations and performances to connect people and evoke new perspectives on our shared reality. He received his PhD in Interactive Arts and Technology working with Dr. Bernhard Riecke and the iSpace lab at Simon Fraser University. He realizes new possibilities working across disciplines through extensive … Read more
- Position:
- Alumnus (PhD)
- Email:
- john_desnoyers-stewart at
- Projects:
- Connected through “AWE”: creating immersive experiences for social connection Connecting through JeL – bio-responsive VR for interpersonal synchronization Body RemiXer Immersive Installation for Creative Expression and Public Performance: Transcending Perception BioSpaceVR Belonging: Embodied Telepresent Human Connection Breath of Light SIRIUS — Virtual Earthgazing to mitigate effects of sensory isolation Star-Stuff: a way for the universe to know itself Design Strategies for Genuine Connection Autoethnographic Close Reading of Self-transcendent VR Experiences Synedelica ETC — Embodied Telepresent Connection Designing with Biosignals Workshop at ACM DIS 2023 Awedyssey: VR for promoting and enhancing well-being BRieFLY — A meditative VR experience
Katerina Stepanova, PhD
Dr. Katerina Stepanova graduated from the Cognitive Science program with honours from SFU and continued into a graduate program at iSpace lab where she completed her MSc and PhD degrees. Her PhD thesis is titled “Intercorporeal Design: Staging Mediated Embodied Interactions to Dissolve Self-Other Boundary to Support Felt Connection” She strives to understand how the immersive powers of modern… Read more
- Position:
- Phd Student
- Email:
- erstepan [at]
- Website:
- Projects:
- Spatial Updating With(out) Physical Motions? Immersive & Embodied Teleoperation Interfaces Lean and Elegant Motion Cueing in VR Virtual Earthgazing — towards an overview effect in Virtual Reality Connected through “AWE”: creating immersive experiences for social connection Connecting through JeL – bio-responsive VR for interpersonal synchronization Body RemiXer Belonging: Embodied Telepresent Human Connection Breath of Light Virtual Transcendent Dream SIRIUS — Virtual Earthgazing to mitigate effects of sensory isolation Design Strategies for Genuine Connection Autoethnographic Close Reading of Self-transcendent VR Experiences ETC — Embodied Telepresent Connection Designing with Biosignals Workshop at ACM DIS 2023 Awedyssey: VR for promoting and enhancing well-being Unleashing AI in the Classroom
Kenneth Karthik
Kenneth joined the iSpace lab in Fall 2021 as a Masters student. He recently graduated with his MSc thesis on “Flying Past Reality: Mitigating Cybersickness and Exploring User Experience in Virtual Reality Flying Interfaces through the HyperJump and Other 3D Locomotion Techniques” … Read more
- Position:
- MSc Student
- Email:
- kenneth_karthik at
- Website:
- Projects:
Lisa Donaldson
interim student in Fall 2012 — Spring 2013, working on the influence of contrast on human self-motion perception in Virtual Reality.… Read more
- Position:
- Alumnus
- Email:
- Website:
- Projects:
- No projects to display.
Lonnie Hastings
Lonnie’s has a background in computer science and psychology. She completed her undergraduate degree at the University of British Columbia with a BSc in Cognitive Systems, a program that combined psychology, computer science, linguistics, and philosophy. While at UBC she worked as an RA and manager of the Visual Cognition Lab with Dr. Ron Rensink, where her primary focus was a study on visua… Read more
- Affiliations:
SIAT, SFU, UBC Visual Cognition Lab, The Boeing Company
- Position:
- Alumnus (MSc Student, defended in 2013)
- Email:
- Projects:
Matin Lotfaliei
Matin joined the iSpace team in Fall 2017 as a graduate student. He is an experienced programmer, with a background in computer science. He started following his fields of interests in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality (VR) during his B.Sc in Computer Software Engineering. After finishing his B.Sc at 2015, he worked at an industrial video conf… Read more
- Position:
- Alumnus (former MSc Student)
- Email:
- mlotfali [at]
- Website:
- Projects:
Mirjana Prpa
Mirjana Prpa is an architect, a virtual reality utopian and a graduate student researcher at iSpace lab for Virtual Reality at School of Interactive Arts and Technology, Vancouver, Canada. She received a Master Degree in architecture from the University of Novi Sad, Serbia, and has worked mainly on ephemeral designs for performance art projects including projects for theaters and open public sp… Read more
- Position:
- Alumnus (PhD Student in iSpace Lab)
- Email:
- mprpa at
- Website:
- Projects:
Pinyao Liu
Pinyao became a research intern at the iSpace lab in July 2019 and started his Masters in Fall 2020. He has a background in Engineering and is always fascinated by the intersection of design and emerging technology. His current research interests involve interaction design in XR and employing technology as a medium to create meaningful experiences.… Read more
- Position:
- MSc Student
- Email:
- pinyao_liu at
- Projects:
Rose Rouhani
Rose joined the iSpace lab in Spring 2022 as a MSc student. She obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at Amirkabir University of Technology. Her academic journey is marked by a deep interest in the intersection of technology and human experience, particularly within the realm of VR. Her research focuses on an exploration of VR sickness — a form of traditional motion sickness experie… Read more
- Position:
- MSc Student
- Email:
- rose_rouhani at sfu dot ca
- Projects:
Salvar Sigurdarson
Salvar is a project-oriented viking who cannot turn down a challenge. With a B.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Iceland, his experience includes reporting for the largest newspaper in Iceland and programming safety-critical software used in air traffic control. Salvar’s latest project involved selling all his belongings and moving to Vancouver to study Virtual Reality, and i… Read more
- Affiliations:
- Position:
- Alumnus (MSc Student, defended in 2014)
- Email:
- Projects:
Sumin Kim
Sumin joined the iSpace lab in Fall 2021 as a PhD student, but then had to take care of her own startup company so interrupted her PhD.… Read more
- Position:
- PhD student
- Email:
- sumin_kim at
- Projects:
- No projects to display.
Thinh (Ted) Nguyen-Vo
Thinh (Ted) has a BSc in Computer Science from HCMC University of Science. He stared an MSc at School of Interactive Arts and Technology (SIAT), Simon Fraser University in Fall 2016, and joined the iSPACE research lab, where he started his studies on VR technology and human spatial perception in immersive virtual environments. His research interests involve using technologies such as artificial in… Read more
- Position:
- Alumnus (MSc Student, graduated in 2018)
- Email:
- tnguyenv [at]
- Website:
- Projects:
Timofey Grechkin
Timofey joined iSpace Lab from 2012 — 2014 after receiving his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Iowa. … Read more
- Position:
- Post-Doctoral Fellow
- Email:
- Projects:
Yaying Zhang
- Position:
- Alumnus (MSc Student, defended in 2018)
- Email:
- Projects:
- No projects to display.
(incomplete list — still under construction)
Alexander Stahn
Alexander C. Stahn is an Assistant Professor in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. He obtained his undergraduate and graduate degrees from Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, after which her worked as a Research Assistant at the University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town, from 2003 to 2005. In 2008 he obtained his doctoral degree at Charité – Un… Read more
- Affiliations:
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
- Position:
- Professor
- Website:
- Projects:
Beth Payne, PhD
Dr. Beth Payne is the Project Manager for Digital Health Research at BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute (BCCHR) and the Women’s Health Research Institute (WHRI) and a Research Associate in the School of Population and Public Health at the University of British Columbia.… Read more
- Affiliations:
BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute (BCCHR) and the Women’s Health Research Institute (WHRI); University of British Columbia
- Position:
- Project Manager for Digital Health Research at BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute (BCCHR) and the Women’s Health Research Institute (WHRI) and a Research Associate in the School of Population and Public Health at the University of British Columbia
- Website:
- Projects:
Bobby Bodenheimer
- Affiliations:
Vanderbilt University, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Position:
- Professor
- Email:
- bobbyb at
- Website:
- Projects:
Daniel Zielasko
- Affiliations:
HCI group, Trier University, Germany
- Position:
- Postdoc
- Email:
- zielasko[at]
- Website:
- Projects:
David Clement
- Affiliations:
Aizen Experiences Inc.
- Position:
- Researcher & Strategist
- Email:
- david.clement[at]
- Website:
- Projects:
Dr. Dzung Vo
Dzung X. Vo, MD (pronouns: he/him; how to pronounce) is a pediatrician specializing in Adolescent Medicine, founding Director of the BC Children’s Hospital Centre for Mindfulness, and a Clinical Associate Professor and Division Head for the Division of Adolescent Health and Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, at BC Children’s Hospital and the University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine … Read more
- Affiliations:
BC Children’s Hospital
- Position:
- Director, BC Children’s Centre for Mindfulness; Head, Division of Adolescent Health and Medicine, Department of Pediatrics
- Website:
- Projects:
Dr. Faranak Farzan
Neuromodulation and Brain stimulation technologies, and Youth depression and addiction. She researches Neuromodulation and Brain stimulation technologies, and Youth depression and addiction.… Read more
- Affiliations:
Simon Fraser University
- Position:
- Associate Professor, School of Mechatronic Systems Engineering; Chair in Technology Innovations for Youth Addiction Recovery and Mental Health
- Website:
- Projects:
Ernst Kruijff
- Affiliations:
Faculty of Computer Science & Institute for Visual Computing, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
- Position:
- Professor
- Website:
- Projects:
- Lean and Elegant Motion Cueing in VR Navigation Interface Tutorial 3D User Interfaces Course NaviBoard: Efficiently Navigating Virtual Environments Embodied & Intuitive Flying for VR, Gaming, and TeleOperation FaceHaptics: Robot Arm based Versatile Facial Haptics for Immersive Environments VR Locomotion Interfaces Survey: How to Move in VR? Integrating Continuous and Teleporting VR Locomotion into a Seamless “HyperJump” Paradigm Leaning-based interfaces improve ground-based VR locomotion Concurrent locomotion and interaction in VR HyperJump flying to combat motion sickness Telepresence VR Sickness Benchmark System 1st International Workshop on Standardization in Cybersickness Research
Jennifer Wilson
Jennifer is the Executive Director of Cassie and Friends: A Society for Children with Juvenile Arthritis and other rheumatic diseases.… Read more
- Affiliations:
Cassie + Friends
- Position:
- Executive Director, Cassie + Friends
- Website:
- Projects:
John Rieser
- Affiliations:
Vanderbilt University, Psychology and Human Development; Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Research on Human Development
- Position:
- Professor
- Email:
- J.Rieser at
- Website:
- Projects:
Katarina Tabi, Ph.D
Katarina Tabi, Ph.D. (she/her), is a researcher and mindfulness practitioner. She has published in mindfulness, mental health, and digital health. Some of her research interests include interpersonal mindfulness, mindfulness for parents and children, perinatal mental health, and early child development. Dr. Tabi trained at the Centre for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts Medical Schoo… Read more
- Affiliations:
BC Children’s Centre for Mindfulness and the BC Reproductive Mental Health Program, Department of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia
- Position:
- Mindfulness Practitioner, Research Fellow
- Website:
- Projects:
Klaus Gramann
Collaborating Researcher… Read more
- Affiliations:
Technical University Berlin
Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience, University of California, San Diego
Brain Research Lab, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
- Position:
- Professor
- Website:
- Projects:
Markus von der Heyde
collaborator on various projects.… Read more
- Position:
- Adjunct Professor, SFU-SIAT
- Website:
- Projects:
- Spatial Updating With(out) Physical Motions? iSpaceMecha Motion Seats for VR Immersive & Embodied Teleoperation Interfaces Lean and Elegant Motion Cueing in VR Integrating Continuous and Teleporting VR Locomotion into a Seamless “HyperJump” Paradigm Leaning-based interfaces improve ground-based VR locomotion Concurrent locomotion and interaction in VR HyperJump flying to combat motion sickness
Patrick Pennefather
Colleague, co-instructor of Semester in Alternate Realities course, and collaborator on various projects.… Read more
- Position:
- Assistant Professor, UBC
- Website:
- Projects:
- Connected through “AWE”: creating immersive experiences for social connection VR/MR/AR 4 Good: Creating with a Purpose Connecting through JeL – bio-responsive VR for interpersonal synchronization Body RemiXer SIRIUS — Virtual Earthgazing to mitigate effects of sensory isolation Synedelica ETC — Embodied Telepresent Connection Awedyssey: VR for promoting and enhancing well-being
Petra Jansen
- Affiliations:
Universität Regensburg, Institut für Sportwissenschaft
- Position:
- Professor
- Website:
- Projects:
- No projects to display.
Siamak Arzanpour
Collaborator on exoskeleton project.… Read more
- Affiliations:
SFU Mechatronics
- Position:
- Professor
- Website:
- Projects:
- No projects to display.
Stephen Palmisano
- Affiliations:
School of Psychology, University of Wollongong, Australia
- Position:
- Professor
- Website:
- Projects:
- No projects to display.
Steve DiPaola, PhD
Steve DiPaola, active as an artist and scientist, former director of the Cognitive Science Program at Simon Fraser University, and leads the iVizLab (, a research lab that strives to make computational systems bend more to the human experience by incorporating biological, cognitive and behavior knowledge models.… Read more
- Affiliations:
Simon Fraser University
- Position:
- Professor & Artist
- Website:
- Projects:
Sylvain Moreno, PhD
Dr. Moreno is a specialist in neuroscientific technologies related to digital media, rehabilitation and brain fitness solutions. Over the past decade, he has developed a program of research and education focusing on interactive media and neuroscience, including the development of interactive computer-based systems that improve cognitive function by way of induced neuroplasticity. Dr. Moreno has b… Read more
- Affiliations:
Simon Fraser University and Digital Health Hub
- Position:
- Director of the Digital Health Hub, Director of the Computational Neuroscience Research Laboratory, Associate Professor at the School of Interactive Arts and Technology
- Website:
- Projects:
Timothy McNamara
- Affiliations:
Vanderbilt University, Psychology
- Position:
- Professor and Vice Provost
- Email:
- T.McNamara at
- Website:
- Projects: