Katerina Stepanova, PhD



Phd Student


erstepan [at] sfu.ca



Dr. Katerina Stepanova grad­u­ated from the Cognitive Science pro­gram with hon­ours from SFU and con­tin­ued into a grad­u­ate pro­gram at iSpace lab where she com­pleted her MSc and PhD degrees. Her PhD thesis is titled “Intercorporeal Design: Staging Mediated Embodied Interactions to Dissolve Self-Other Boundary to Support Felt Connection”

She strives to under­stand how the immer­sive powers of modern tech­nol­ogy can be lever­aged to help people become more con­nected with them­selves, each other and the world around them.  Through an embod­ied cog­ni­tion and phe­nom­e­no­log­i­cal lens, she explores the pos­si­bil­ity of craft­ing trans­for­ma­tive and inti­mate expe­ri­ences with the use of Virtual Reality and biofeed­back tech­nolo­gies for gen­uine con­nec­tion. She explores these designs in con­trolled lab con­di­tions as well as in a public set­ting in a form of art installations.

She is fas­ci­nated by dif­fer­ent ways of cre­at­ing knowl­edge in art, sci­ence and human­i­ties, and as such engages with a vari­ety of quan­ti­ta­tive and qual­i­ta­tive method­olo­gies, such as research through design, exper­i­men­tal design, phys­i­o­log­i­cal mea­sures, behav­ioural mea­sures, obser­va­tional stud­ies, micro-phenomenology, hermeneu­tic phe­nom­e­nol­ogy, autoethnog­ra­phy, and close reading.

In 2022 Katerina has con­ducted research visits and intern­ships with Kristina Höök at KTH University in Stockholm spon­sored by SSHRC Michael Smith Foreign Study Scholarship Supplement, and with Alexander Stahn at Charité Universitaetsmedizin in Berlin spon­sored by DAAD research grant.

Outside the lab she explores the out­doors by climb­ing moun­tains, biking, kayak­ing and snow­board­ing, find­ing her inspi­ra­tion in expe­ri­enc­ing a con­nec­tion with the spec­tac­u­lar nature of British Columbia, or prac­tis­ing yoga or swing danc­ing to foster bodily aware­ness which in turn informs her research.

Select Grants & Awards

Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship (2024−2026)

SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canadian Doctoral Scholarship (2021−2024)

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Short-term Research Grant (2022)



Unleashing AI in the Classroom

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Awedyssey: VR for pro­mo­ting and enhancing well-being

We are investigating and creating a new virtual reality (VR) experience, 'Awedyssey', for the promotion and enhancement of well-being. Today, digital technology pervasively intersects with our daily lives, and VR stands out as a digital tool capable of fostering positive emotion like awe, self-transcendence, and authentic social connection. Connecting with nature is very important for our mental...

Designing with Biosignals Workshop at ACM DIS 2023

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ETC - Embodied Telepresent Connection

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Autoethnographic Close Reading of Self-transcendent VR Experiences

Sipping the Virtual Elixir: An autoethno­graphic close read­ing of Ayahuasca Kosmik Journey a self-transcendent vir­tual expe­ri­ence. Recently self-transcendent experiences are gaining interest in the research community because of their ability to support wellbeing. Experiences of self-transcendence can be transformative, leading to a diminishment of self/ego and the feeling of unity with n...

Design Strategies for Genuine Connection

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SIRIUS - Virtual Earthgazing to mitigate effects of sensory isolation

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Virtual Transcendent Dream

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Breath of Light

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Body RemiXer

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Connecting through JeL – bio-responsive VR for interpersonal synchronization

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Connected through "AWE": creating immersive experiences for social connection

Do you get enough “awe” in your life? In our busy day-to-day lives, we often take our experiences for granted. While we have the technology to connect with one another, like smart phones, we don’t necessarily get outside with nature, or stargaze. Such activities may consist of common awe-inspiring moments, and we now understand that feeling awe is associated with all sorts of social and well...

Virtual Earthgazing - towards an overview effect in Virtual Reality

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Immersive & Embodied Teleoperation Interfaces

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Spatial Updating With(out) Physical Motions?

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Stepanova, E. R., Heyde, M. von der, Kitson, A., Schiphorst, T., & Riecke, B. E. (2017). Gathering and Apply Guidelines for TeleSpider Design for Urban Search and Rescue Applications on a Mobile Robot. In M. Kurosu (Ed.), Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Contexts (HCI 2017) (Vol. 10272, pp. 562–581). Springer.
Wrainwright, N., Stepanova, E. R., Aguilar, I., Kitson, A., & Riecke, B. E. (2019, June). Transcending the Lab: Supporting Self-Transcendent Experiences in VR [Talk]. FCAT Undergraduate Conference, Surrey City Hall, BC, Canada. https://www.sfu.ca/fcat/events/ugc.html
Stepanova, Ekaterina, Denise Quesnel, Alexandra Kitson, Mirjana Prpa, Ivan Aguilar, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2018. “A Framework for Studying Transformative Experiences through VR.” Symposium presentation presented at the 23rd Annual CyberPsychology, CyberTherapy & Social Networking Conference, Gatineau, Canada, June. http://interactivemediainstitute.com/cypsy23/.
Stepanova, E. R., Quesnel, D. T., & Riecke, B. E. (2019). Space - a Virtual Frontier: How to Design and Evaluate a Virtual Reality Experience of the Overview Effect Promoting The Feeling of Connectedness. Frontiers in Digital Humanities - Human-Media Interaction, 6(7), 1–22. https://doi.org/10.3389/fdigh.2019.00007
Stepanova, E. R., Quesnel, D. T., & Riecke, B. E. (2019). Understanding AWE: Can a virtual journey, inspired by the Overview Effect, lead to an increased sense of interconnectedness? Frontiers in Digital Humanities - Human-Media Interaction, 6(9), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.3389/fdigh.2019.00009
Pennefather, P., Rizzotti, P., Desnoyers-Stewart, J., Stepanova, K., Riecke, B., Danenkov, L., Ryzhov, V., Saroyan, J., Beltran, W., & Chak, R. (2020). A Fun Palace: A Mixed Reality Event Through the Looking Glass of Cybernetics. Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 27(2), 61–80.
Stepanova, Ekaterina R., John Desnoyers-Stewart, Kristina Höök, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2022. “Strategies for Fostering a Genuine Feeling of Connection in Technologically Mediated Systems.” In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–26. New Orleans: ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/3491102.3517580.
Liu, Pinyao, Ekaterina R Stepanova, Alexandra J. Kitson, Thecla Schiphorst, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2022. “Virtual Transcendent Dream: Empowering People through Embodied Flying in Virtual Reality.” In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–18. New Orleans: ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/3491102.3517677.
Desnoyers-Stewart, John, Ekaterina R. Stepanova, Philippe Pasquier, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2019. “JeL: Connecting Through Breath in Virtual Reality.” In Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–6. CHI EA ’19. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10.1145/3290607.3312845.
Kitson, Alexandra J., Ekaterina R Stepanova, Ivan Abdo Aguilar, Natasha Wainwright, and Bernhard E Riecke. 2020. “Designing Mind(Set) and Setting for Profound Emotional Experiences in Virtual Reality.” In Proceedings of the Designing Interactive Systems (ACM DIS) Conference. Eindhoven, Netherlands: ACM. https://dis.acm.org/2020/.
Kitson, Alexandra J., John Desnoyers-Stewart, Noah Miller, Ashu Adhikari, Ekaterina R. Stepanova, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2020. “Can We Trust What’s Real? Using Fiction to Explore the Potential Dissociative Effects of Immersive Virtual Reality.” In . Honolulu, HI, USA: ACM.
Quesnel, Denise, Ekaterina R. Stepanova, Ivan Aguilar, Patrick Pennefather, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2018. “Creating ‘AWE’: Combining Artistic Intuition and Research-Based Design for an Emotionally-Profound Art Installation.” In 2018 IEEE Games, Entertainment, Media Conference (GEM) (Full Paper), 1–8. Galway, Ireland: IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/GEM.2018.8516463.
Stepanova, Ekaterina, Denise Quesnel, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2018. “Transformative Experiences Become More Accessible through Virtual Reality.” In 2018 IEEE Workshop on Augmented and Virtual Realities for Good (VAR4Good), 1–3. Reutlingen, Germany: IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/VAR4GOOD.2018.8576881.
Kitson, Alexandra, Bernhard E. Riecke, and Ekaterina R. Stepanova. 2015. “Influence of Movement Expertise on a Virtual Point-to- Origin Task.” In , 100–103. Vancouver, Canada: ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/2790994.2791014.
Stepanova, K. (2021, October 31). Virtual reality can combat isolation with awe and empathy — on Earth and in space. The Conversation. http://theconversation.com/virtual-reality-can-combat-isolation-with-awe-and-empathy-on-earth-and-in-space-170189
Sirius. (2021, October 1). [Curated & peer-reviewed Virtual Reality Exhibition]. V-Unframed, Vancouver, BC, Canada. https://www.alliancefrancaise.ca/v-unframed/the-artworks/sirius/
Riecke, Bernhard E., Ekaterina R. Stepanova, and Alexandra Kitson. 2016. “New Response Patterns in Point-to-Origin Tasks Depending on Stimulus Type and Response Mode.” Talk presented at the International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Granada, Spain, May. https://youtu.be/miiPjAUb77Y.
Prpa, Mirjana, Ekaterina R. Stepanova, Thecla Schiphorst, Bernhard E. Riecke, and Philippe Pasquier. 2020. “Inhaling and Exhaling: How Technologies Can Perceptually Extend Our Breath Awareness.” In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–15. CHI ’20. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10.1145/3313831.3376183.
Stepanova, Ekaterina R., K. Brauns, A Friedl-Werner, Noah Miller, John Desnoyers-Stewart, Ashu Adhikari, Bernhard E. Riecke, and Alexander C. Stahn. 2022. “A Neurophenomenological Approach to Better Understand the Effects of Eliciting Positive Experiences in Virtual Reality.” Poster presented at the Phenomenological Methods in Neuroscience and Consciousness Research workshop, University of Zürich.
Desnoyers-Stewart, John, Ekaterina R Stepanova, Pinyao Liu, Alexandra Kitson, Patrick Parra Pennefather, Vladislav Rhyzhov, and Bernhard E Riecke. 2023. “Embodied Telepresent Connection (ETC): Exploring Virtual Social Touch Through Pseudohaptics.” In Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–7. CHI EA ’23. Hamburg, Germnay: ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/3544549.3585843.
Stepanova, Ekaterina R, John Desnoyers-Stewart, Philippe Pasquier, and Bernhard E Riecke. 2020. “JeL: Breathing Together to Connect with Others and Nature.” In DIS ’20: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 641–54. Eindhoven, Netherlands: ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/3357236.3395532.
Miller, Noah, Ekaterina R. Stepanova, John Desnoyers-Stewart, Ashu Adhikari, Alexandra Kitson, Patrick Pennefather, Denise Quesnel, et al. 2023. “Awedyssey: Design Tensions in Eliciting Self-Transcendent Emotions in Virtual Reality to Support Mental Well-Being and Connection.” In Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 189–211. DIS ’23. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10.1145/3563657.3595998.
Desnoyers-Stewart, J., Stepanova, E. R., Riecke, B. E., & Pennefather, P. (2020). Body RemiXer: Extending Bodies to Stimulate Social Connection in an Immersive Installation. Leonardo, 53(4), 394–400. https://doi.org/10.1162/leon_a_01925
Stepanova, Ekaterina R., John Desnoyers-Stewart, Bernhard E. Riecke, Gijs Huisman, and Abdallah El Ali. 2023. “Human Bodies as Interaction Materials for Somatic, Social, and Multisensory Virtual Reality Experiences.” In CHI’23: Workshop on Body x Materials: A Workshop Exploring the Role of Material-Enabled Body-Based Multisensory Experiences, 1–4. Hamburg, Germnay: ACM. https://doi.org/doi.org/10.1145/1122445.1122456.
Stepanova, E. R. (2018). Virtual Reality as a Medium for Designing and Understanding Transformative Experiences: The Case of the Overview Effect [MSc Thesis, Simon Fraser University]. https://summit.sfu.ca/item/18603
El Ali, Abdallah, Ekaterina R. Stepanova, Shalvi Palande, Angelika Mader, Pablo Cesar, and Kaspar Jansen. 2023. “BreatheWithMe: Exploring Visual and Vibrotactile Displays for Social Breath Awareness during Colocated, Collaborative Tasks.” In Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–8. CHI EA ’23. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10.1145/3544549.3585589.
Kilic Afsar, Ozgun, Yoav Luft, Kelsey Cotton, Ekaterina R. Stepanova, Claudia Núñez-Pacheco, Rebecca Kleinberger, Fehmi Ben Abdesslem, Hiroshi Ishii, and Kristina Höök. 2023. “Corsetto: A Kinesthetic Garment for Designing, Composing for, and Experiencing an Intersubjective Haptic Voice.” In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–23. CHI ’23. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10.1145/3544548.3581294.
Stepanova, Ekaterina R, John Desnoyers-Stewart, Alexandra Kitson, Bernhard E. Riecke, Alissa N Antle, Abdallah El Ali, Jeremy Frey, Vasiliki Tsaknaki, and Noura Howell. 2023. “Designing with Biosignals: Detailed Workshop Description.” In Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’23), 1–6. Pittsburgh, PA, USA: ACM.
Liu, P., Desnoyers-Stewart, J., Stepanova, E. R., & Riecke, B. E. (2023). Breath of Light: Towards Reclaiming Shared Breathing through a Meditative Installation. Leonardo, 56(5), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1162/leon_a_02401
Miller, N., Desnoyers-Stewart, J., Stepanova, E. R., Kitson, A., Bizzocchi, J., & Riecke, B. E. (2022). Sipping the virtual elixir: An autoethnographic close reading of Ayahuasca Kosmik Journey, a self-transcendent virtual experience. Virtual Creativity, 12(Extended Senses: Embodying Technology), 27–44. https://doi.org/10.1386/vcr_00059_1
Desnoyers-Stewart, J., Stepanova, E. R., Liu, P., Kitson, A., Pennefather, P. P., Rhyzhov, V., & Riecke, B. E. (2023, April 20). Embodied Telepresent Connection (ETC): Exploring Virtual Social Touch Through Pseudohaptics [Curated Virtual Reality Exhibition]. Intangible Realities Lab Virtual Reality Exhibit, Santiago de Compostella, Spain. www.intangiblerealitieslab.org
Desnoyers-Stewart, J., Stepanova, E. R., Riecke, B. E., & Pennefather, P. (2020). Body RemiXer Virtualization for Recto VRso 2020 [Curated Virtual Reality Archival Work]. Recto VRso 2020, Online. rectovrso.laval-virtual.com/en/virtual-edition-2020/
Desnoyers-Stewart, J., Stepanova, E. R., Riecke, B. E., & Pennefather, P. (2022, April 12). Body RemiXer Virtualization for Recto VRso 2022 [Curated Virtual Reality Archival Work]. Recto VRso 2022, Laval, France. rectovrso.laval-virtual.com/en/virtual-edition-2020/
Desnoyers-Stewart, J., Stepanova, E. R., Riecke, B. E., & Pennefather, P. (2021, November 23). Body RemiXer Virtualization for Recto VRso 2021 [Curated Virtual Reality Archival Work]. FIAV - Festival International d’Art Vidéo de Casablanca, Laval, France. https://www.fiav.ma/assets/pdf/installations/6.pdf
Miller, N., Desnoyers-Stewart, J., Stepanova, E. R., Adhikari, A., Kitson, A. J., Quesnel, D. T., Pennefather, P., & Riecke, B. E. (2021, October 1). Sirius [Curated & peer-reviewed Virtual Reality Exhibition]. V-Unframed, Vancouver, BC, Canada. https://www.alliancefrancaise.ca/v-unframed/the-artworks/sirius/
Desnoyers-Stewart, J., Stepanova, E. R., Riecke, B. E., & Pennefather, P. (2020, October). Body RemiXer [Online] [Curated Virtual Reality Exhibition]. Recto VRso Vancouver 2020, Vancouver, BC, Canada. https://www.alliancefrancaise.ca/rectovrso2020/
Liu, P., Riecke, B. E., Kitson, A. J., & Stepanova, K. (2021, October). In air we dream [Curated Virtual Reality Exhibition]. Recto VRso Vancouver 2020, Vancouver, BC, Canada. https://www.alliancefrancaise.ca/v-unframed/
Quesnel, D., Stepanova, E. R., Aguilar, I., Kitson, A., & Riecke, B. E. (2017). AWE [Invited Virtual Reality Exhibition]. SPLASH, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Quesnel, D., Stepanova, E. R., Aguilar, I., Kitson, A., & Riecke, B. E. (2017). AWE [Invited Virtual Reality Exhibition]. TEDxEastVan, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Quesnel, D., Stepanova, E. R., Aguilar, I., Kitson, A., & Riecke, B. E. (2017). AWE [Invited Virtual Reality Exhibition]. TEDxSFU, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Desnoyers-Stewart, J., Stepanova, E. R., & Riecke, B. E. (2019, June 25). Body RemiXer [Curated & peer-reviewed Virtual Reality Exhibition]. Fun Palace Carnival of Mixed Realities, Center for Digital Media (CDM), Vancouver, BC, Canada. https://thecdm.ca/events/2019-06-25/the-fun-palace-carnival-mixed-realities
Kitson, A., Stepanova, E. R., Hashemian, A. M., Riecke, B. E., Nagy, G., Choo, A., & Chen, D. (2016, May 14). TeleSpider: investigating motion-cueing interfaces for control of a remote robotic spider [Project exhibition]. Consumer Virtual Reality (CVR) conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Desnoyers-Stewart, J., Stepanova, E. R., Liu, P., Ryzhov, V., Kitson, A., Pennefather, P. P., & Riecke, B. E. (2023, October 1). Embodied Telepresent Connection (ETC) [Curated Virtual Reality Exhibition]. VIFF Signals - Beta Lounge, Bentall II, Vancouver, BC, Canada. https://viff.org/signals/
Miller, N., Desnoyers-Stewart, J., Stepanova, E. R., Adhikari, A., Riecke, B. E., Pennefather, P. P., Kitson, A., & Quesnel, D. (2023, November 23). Awedyssey [Curated Mixed Reality Exhibition]. Cosmic Nights: Humans in Space, H.R. MacMillan Space Centre. https://events.sfu.ca/event/37966-cosmic-nights-humans-in-space
Stepanova, E. R., Desnoyers-Stewart, J., Riecke, B. E., & Pasquier, P. (2019, June 25). JeL – bio-responsive VR for interpersonal connection [Curated & peer-reviewed Virtual Reality Exhibition]. Fun Palace Carnival of Mixed Realities, Center for Digital Media (CDM), Vancouver, BC, Canada. https://thecdm.ca/events/2019-06-25/the-fun-palace-carnival-mixed-realities
Desnoyers-Stewart, J., Meneghini, M. B., Stepanova, E. R., & Riecke, B. E. (2024). Real Human Touch: Performer-Facilitated Touch Enhances Presence and Embodiment in Immersive Performance. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 4, 1–26. https://doi.org/10.3389/frvir.2023.1336581
Stepanova, Ekaterina R, John Desnoyers-Stewart, Alexandra Kitson, Bernhard E. Riecke, Alissa N Antle, Abdallah El Ali, Jeremy Frey, Vasiliki Tsaknaki, and Noura Howell. 2023. “Designing with Biosignals: Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Directions for Integrating Physiological Signals in Human-Computer Interaction.” In Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS Companion ’23), 1–4. Pittsburgh, PA, USA: ACM.
Kitson, A., Buie, E., Stepanova, E., Chirico, A., Riecke, B. E., & Gaggioli, A. (2019). Transformative Experience Design: Using Interactive Technologies and Narrative to Support Transformative Experiences. ACM CHI 2019 Special Interest Group, 1–4.
Stepanova, Ekaterina R., Denise Quesnel, Alexandra Kitson, Mirjana Prpa, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2017. “Virtual Reality as a Tool for Inducing and Understanding Transformative Experiences.” Poster presented at the Psychonomic Society 58th Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, November.
Kitson, Alexandra, Thinh Nguyen-Vo, Abraham M. Hashemian, Ekaterina R. Stepanova, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2017. “A User Study Comparing Two Low-Cost Chair Interfaces for Embodied Virtual Locomotion.” Talk presented at the Psychonomic Society 58th Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, November.
Kitson, Alexandra, Abraham M. Hashemian, Ekaterina R. Stepanova, Ernst Kruijff, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2017. “Comparing Leaning-Based Motion Cueing Interfaces for Virtual Reality Locomotion.” In Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 3DUI, 73–82. Los Angeles, CA, USA. https://doi.org/10.1109/3DUI.2017.7893320.
Desnoyers-Stewart, J., Stepanova, E. R., Liu, P., Ryzhov, V., Kitson, A., Pennefather, P. P., & Riecke, B. E. (2023, November). Embodied Telepresent Connection (ETC) [Curated Virtual Reality Exhibition]. Hyper Canada, Winnipeg, MB, Canada.
Quesnel, Denise T., Tatiana Losev, Ekaterina R. Stepanova, Sheelagh Carpendale, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2024. “The Inbetweeny Collective: Reflexive Dialogues on the Liminality of Researchers’ Lived Experiences.” In Proceedings of the Halfway to the Future Symposium, 1–10. HttF ’24. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10.1145/3686169.3686204.
Stepanova, Ekaterina R., and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2024. “Intercorporeal Design: Dissolving Self-Other Dualism in Interaction Design.” In Proceedings of the Halfway to the Future Symposium, 1–9. HttF ’24. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10.1145/3686169.3686206.
Stepanova, E. R. (2024). Intercorporeal Design: Staging Mediated Embodied Interactions to Dissolve Self-Other Boundary to Support Felt Connection [PhD Thesis, Simon Fraser University]. https://summit.sfu.ca/item/38350
Riecke, B. E., & Stepanova, E. R. (2024). Unleashing AI in the Classroom: ChatGPT’s Influence on Project-Based Learning and Reflective Practice in an Interdisciplinary Course (No. 2; ISpaceLab Technical Report, pp. 1–20). Simon Fraser University. http://ispace.iat.sfu.ca/project/ai-in-classroom/
Miller, Noah, John Desnoyers-Stewart, Ekaterina R. Stepanova, Alexandra Kitson, Jim Bizzocchi, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2022. “Sipping the Virtual Elixir: An Autoethnographic Close Reading of Ayahuasca Kosmik Journey a Self-Transcendent Virtual Experience.” In Extended Senses (Full Paper), 1–8. London, UK: University of Greenwich. http://extendedsenses.co.uk.