BRieFLY - A meditative VR experience


Breathe, con­nect, and watch fire­flies respond to your touch and breath

BRieFLY is an exploratory VR pro­to­type com­bin­ing mind­ful breath­ing with play­ful inter­ac­tion. This 6-minute med­i­ta­tive expe­ri­ence immerses users in a mixed real­ity envi­ron­ment where shim­mer­ing fire­flies dynam­i­cally respond to their move­ments, as illus­trated in the video below. The ses­sion begins with a 3-minute nar­rated breath­ing prac­tice to foster relax­ation and breath aware­ness, fol­lowed by 3 min­utes of play­ful interaction.

The system was devel­oped in Unity for the Meta Quest 3 head-mounted dis­play, lever­ag­ing hand track­ing for intu­itive inter­ac­tion and passthrough to blend vir­tual and phys­i­cal envi­ron­ments as seen in the sup­ple­men­tary video. Hand track­ing allows users to inter­act directly with the fire­flies, elim­i­nat­ing the need for con­trollers. Meanwhile, the passthrough video feed grad­u­ally dims the real sur­round­ings to help users tran­si­tion smoothly into the mixed-reality envi­ron­ment. Seeing the real phys­i­cal sur­round­ings pro­vides a ground­ing ele­ment that makes the expe­ri­ence more acces­si­ble and to pre­vent cybersickness.

Fireflies were chosen for their sym­bolic con­nec­tion to nature, themes of belong­ing, and play­ful allure. The glow­ing purple and white hues were chosen to create a calm­ing and med­i­ta­tive atmos­phere. While most of the fire­flies move in syn­chro­nized flock-like pat­terns, others float inde­pen­dently to mimic nat­ural swarm­ing behav­iours. This design was intended to evoke curios­ity, con­nec­tion, and a sense of wonder, while main­tain­ing a play­ful and relax­ing tone. 

Project video

Publications & Exhibits

Ural, D., Inkster, R., Desnoyers-Stewart, J., & Riecke, B. E. (2025, November 26). BRieFLY: A med­i­ta­tive VR expe­ri­ence:  Breathe, con­nect, and watch fire­flies respond to your touch [Virtual Reality Exhibition]. Virtual Reality Showcase: IAT 848 — Mediated, Virtual, and Augmented Reality, Surrey, BC, Canada.
Ural, Deniz G., Rayne Inkster, John Desnoyers-Stewart, Faranak Farzan, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2025. “BRieFLY: Mindful Breathing and Playful Interaction to Foster Self-Connection in Mixed Reality.” In ACM CHI EA ’25. Yokohama, Japan. (Download)