Immersive & Embodied Teleoperation Interfaces


Developing vir­tual inter­faces for embod­ied tele-operation and locomotion.

How can we best design and imple­ment an embod­ied telep­res­ence system for tele-robotics, so we can safely explore remote, hard-to-reach, or poten­tially haz­ardous areas or situations?

The goal of the “TeleSpider” project is to design and imple­ment a telep­res­ence system where users can remotely oper­ate a robotic spider-like device, giving indi­vid­u­als the abil­ity to safely explore remote, hard-to-reach, or poten­tially haz­ardous areas or sit­u­a­tions (e.g., ven­ti­la­tion shafts, chem­i­cal spills, col­lapsed build­ings). The TeleSpider will, there­fore, be able to per­form remote sur­veil­lance tasks in place of humans in dan­ger­ous or inac­ces­si­ble loca­tions. Future devel­op­ments include the poten­tial for the TeleSpider to con­duct prob­lem solv­ing tasks and assist in rescue oper­a­tions. The TeleSpider hard­ware is cur­rently being devel­oped by Archiact Interactive, a vir­tual real­ity, mobile devel­op­ment and games com­pany in Vancouver, B.C. The envi­sioned con­trol system will allow a human oper­a­tor to con­trol the TeleSpider’s move­ment in a refined and intu­itive manner, and show the three-dimensional per­spec­tive of the TeleSpider’s stereo vision to the oper­a­tor with­out caus­ing motion sick­ness or dis­ori­en­ta­tion. Together with Archiact Interactive, we design and eval­u­ate dif­fer­ent inter­faces that enables users to intu­itively nav­i­gate and com­plete basic sur­veil­lance tasks with the TeleSpider. This can help pro­tect humans when inter­act­ing with haz­ardous or prob­lem­atic spaces, as well as inno­vate in vir­tual telep­res­ence research for wide-ranging appli­ca­tions in vir­tual real­ity, games, enter­tain­ment and mechatronics.

We are cur­rently expand­ing this work into the 3d dimen­sion for flying tele-presence sys­tems such as (non-military) drones such as quatrocopters.




Stepanova, Ekaterina R., Markus von der Heyde, Alexandra Kitson, Thecla Schiphorst, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2017. “Gathering and Apply Guidelines for TeleSpider Design for Urban Search and Rescue Applications on a Mobile Robot.” In Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Contexts (HCI 2017), edited by M. Kurosu, 10272:562–81. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Cham: Springer. (Download)