Gamifying Research - Researchifying Games
While traditional experimental paradigms offer tight stimulus control and repeatability, then tend to be a bit boring and removed from many real-world situations, which can limit real-world transferability of results.
How can we bring together the methodological strenghs of research with the intrinsic motivation of playfulness and gaming?
The goal of this project is to design and use a gamified research paradigm that synergistically combines the advantages of lab-based psychophysics VR research (e.g., stimulus control, repeatability) with the advantages of gamification. These include increased and more intrinsic user motivation, and the potential to reach larger and more diverse participant samples, both local and online, that can enhance internal and external validity. Perceptual and psychophysical research often uses artificial or abstract stimuli and situations tend to be not very motivating for the participants, which might reduce real-word transferability of lab results. [stay tuned, we’re just starting this project]