How can we ease users’ transition from the real surroundings into the virtual world?
Many of today’s virtual reality (VR) setups are very much focused on technical aspects rather then the benefits of a coherent user experience. This work explores the idea of enhancing the VR experience with a transition phase. On a physical level, this transition offers the user a meaningful metaphor for entering a new world, mimicking a real physical translation from one place to an– other. On a mental level, it captures the user’s attention and evokes anticipation and involvement with the final goal of engaging the user’s mind in active co-creation of the experience. We present a conceptual model of a 5-stage transition and describe an implementation we are currently developing, including possible evaluation procedures.
For first publications for this project take a look at our IEEE VR 2013 poster and the two page abstract. Earlier ideas and prototypes can be found here, from the TransLocation project that Bernhard was advising while working in the VR group (Cyberneum) at the Max Planck Institute in Tübingen, Germany.