Sonic Cradle


Sonic Cradle sus­pends the body is a com­pletely dark cham­ber which encour­ages expe­ri­ences com­pa­ra­ble to mind­ful­ness med­i­ta­tion.  Users com­pose peace­ful sound­scapes in real-time using only their breathing.

Introduction and demo of the Sonic Cradle

Sonic Cradle is a relax­ing human-computer inter­ac­tion par­a­digm designed to foster med­i­ta­tive atten­tional pat­terns.  The cur­rent pro­to­type is a dark­ened cham­ber which sus­pends indi­vid­u­als in a com­fort­able ham­mock while they pro­gres­sively con­trol sound through their own res­pi­ra­tion.  15 co-design ses­sions resulted in sev­eral tweaks and improve­ments aimed at bal­anc­ing users’ per­ceived sense of control.

A mixed meth­ods inves­ti­ga­tion of the iter­ated pro­to­type with a pur­po­sive sample of 39 par­tic­i­pants demon­strated how Sonic Cradle can pleas­antly encour­age mind­ful expe­ri­ences by con­sis­tently induc­ing a calm mental clar­ity and loss of inten­tion.  Surprisingly, par­tic­i­pants also reported per­cep­tual illu­sions, feel­ings of float­ing, and emo­tional responses.  This project breaks new ground toward ful­fill­ing technology’s poten­tial to expe­ri­en­tially per­suade people to adopt and psy­cho­log­i­cally ben­e­fit from con­tem­pla­tive prac­tices like mind­ful­ness meditation.

Jay Vidyarthi pre­sent­ing the Sonic Cradle as part of his thesis defense.

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Alex Kitson pre­sent­ing her paper on “Sonic Cradle: Investigating Meditative Aspects of an Interactive Technology” at the 2014 GRAND con­fer­ence in Ottawa

Sonic Cradle is an inter­ac­tive system designed to encour­age a med­i­ta­tive atten­tional pat­tern akin to mind­ful­ness. Users are com­fort­ably sus­pended in a dark cham­ber where they use res­pi­ra­tion as a means to focus and con­trol an immer­sive sound­scape. Basic inter­pre­tive qual­i­ta­tive meth­ods along with three quan­ti­ta­tive scales, Affect Grid, Toronto Mindfulness Scale, and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, that assess mood, mind­ful­ness, and anx­i­ety, respec­tively, were used to ana­lyze data of 30 par­tic­i­pants after 15-minute ses­sions of both Sonic Cradle and self– guided relax­ation. This talk is part of a larger study and will only dis­cuss the Toronto Mindfulness Scale. Results sug­gest that Sonic Cradle may help to induce a mindfulness-like state and offers a unique expe­ri­ence com­pared to simply trying to relax in a dark room with­out any assis­tance. With mount­ing evi­dence imply­ing mind­ful­ness med­i­ta­tion as an effec­tive prac­tice for self-regulation, our results are promis­ing that Sonic Cradle can be an effec­tive tool in cul­ti­vat­ing and increas­ing psy­cho­log­i­cal well-being. Moreover, Sonic Cradle can be instru­men­tal in intro­duc­ing mind­ful­ness to non-meditators or those who are unable to learn mind­ful­ness through more tra­di­tional means. 


» Listen to sound record­ings of the Sonic Cradle in use

» Watch a video demo of the Sonic Cradle artifact

» Learn more about the cross-disciplinary “immer­sion” frame­work which under­lies the Sonic Cradle con­cept

Recent extensions of the Sonic Cradle using Neurofeedback

Poster presented at the 2nd Mindfulness Conference in Rome, Italy 2016

Poster pre­sented at the 2nd Mindfulness Conference in Rome, Italy 2016

While the orig­i­nal Sonic Cradle design proved effec­tive by help­ing users reach a state com­pa­ra­ble to mind­ful­ness med­i­ta­tion, par­tic­i­pants reported that the sound­scape occa­sion­ally dis­tracted them from breath­ing mind­fully. To address this, we are inte­grat­ing EEG data from the Interaxon Muse head-set to detect when users have achieved a state of focused atten­tion, and grad­u­ally reduce the sound­scape incon­spic­u­ously. Conversely, when EEG data reveals a state of dis­trac­tion, the sound­scape becomes more salient, increas­ing its abil­ity to cue users back to their breath with curios­ity as proved to be effec­tive in Vidyarthi & Riecke (2013). As detailed in Prpa et al. (2016), after 15 min ses­sions with the Sonic Cradle + Muse, par­tic­i­pants reported sig­nif­i­cantly lower anx­i­ety and arousal levels and increased pleas­ant­ness levels, which is promis­ing. We are cur­rently incor­po­rat­ing feed­back into next design iterations


Press Coverage

“…[the] idea that music might be a way into med­i­ta­tive states led to asking ques­tions about whether meld­ing music, breath­ing tech­nique and com­puter tech­nol­ogy could open the door to non-meditators.” CBC/Radio-Canada (French Version)

“Sonic Cradle… rep­re­sents … a sort of tonic to the stress which many people feel the ubiq­uity of tech­nol­ogy induces in soci­ety.” PSFK

“[Sonic Cradle] is a med­i­ta­tive biofeed­back system… which essen­tially enhances the med­i­ta­tive expe­ri­ence to such a degree that begin­ners claim to be able to have out-of-body expe­ri­ences.” Portfolio (Conde Nast)

“[Sonic Cradle] is a machine that uses breath­ing pat­terns to create immer­sive sound­scapes — and then feed them straight back into your brain to create an tex­tured, infi­nite loop of bliss.” Motherboard.TV (Vice) (2)

“An SFU grad stu­dent project that melds music, med­i­ta­tion and tech­nol­ogy landed a rare spot as an exhibit at TEDActive 2012 in Palm Springs”

“In his master’s research project, Jay Vidyarthi asks, para­dox­i­cally, ‘Can tech­nol­ogy be used to free us from the stress asso­ci­ated with infor­ma­tion over­load?’” SFU Graduate Studies Blog



Prpa, Mirjana, Denise Quesnel, Jay Vidyarthi, Alexandra Kitson, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2016. “Sonic Cradle — Immersive Interaction Design Combining Breathing– and Neurofeedback to Foster Focused Attention Meditation on Breath.” Poster pre­sented at the 2nd International Conference on Mindfulness, Rome, Italy, May. (Download)
Vidyarthi, J., & Riecke, B. E. (2014). Interactively Mediating Experiences of Mindfulness Meditation. International Journal Of Human-Computer Studies, 72(8–9), 674–688. (Download)
Vidyarthi, Jay, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2013. “Could an Interactive Medium Introduce Non-Practitioners to Mindfulness Meditation?” Talk pre­sented at the First International Conference on Mindfulness, Rome, Italy, May.
Vidyarthi, J., & Riecke, B. E. (2013). Mediated Meditation: Cultivating Mindfulness with Sonic Cradle. Proceedings of the 2013 Annual Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ALT.CHI, 2305–2314.
Vidyarthi, Jay, Bernhard E. Riecke, and Diane Gromala. 2012. “Sonic Cradle.” Curated Virtual Reality Exhibition pre­sented at the TEDactive con­fer­ence, Palm Springs, CA, USA.
Gromala, Diane, K. J. Vidyarthi, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2011. “Sonic Cradle; Project Exhibition in Chronic Pain: Art & Science Collaborations.” Exhibition, Sept. 29 – Nov. 30 2011, California Nanosystems Institute (CNSI), UCLA, Los Angeles, USA.
Vidyarthi, J., Diane Gromala, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2011. “Are You Immersed? Characterizing Immersion across Literature, Art and Interactive Media.” Talk pre­sented at the Society of Literature, Science and Art (SLSA) Conference 2011, Kitchener, Canada.


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