

HemisFear: A Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy Prototype Driven by Cross-Cultural Understanding of Dog Phobia

Can vir­tual real­ity turn your terror of a bark­ing stray into calm curios­ity? HemisFear’s cul­tur­ally attuned expo­sure ther­apy con­fronts dog pho­bias in both sub­ur­ban back­yards and bustling Indian streets, let­ting you prac­tice han­dling real-life trig­gers with the safety of VR.

Cynophobia, the fear of dogs, is a common and debil­i­tat­ing phobia. Live expo­sure ther­apy is first-line treat­ment for many pho­bias, but using live dogs may be expen­sive and unpre­dictable. Virtual real­ity expo­sure ther­apy (VRET) is a promis­ing alter­na­tive, but remains under­ex­plored for cyno­pho­bia. Furthermore, exist­ing VRET designs seldom account for cul­tural back­grounds, which influ­ence cynophobia’s fear fac­tors and sever­ity. For exam­ple, stray dog encoun­ters in South Asia pose unique risks com­pared to domes­tic dogs in the Anglosphere. This paper intro­duces HemisFear, a VRET pro­to­type fea­tur­ing two cul­tur­ally informed envi­ron­ments: an Anglo-Western res­i­dence with domes­tic dogs, and an Indian city with strays. The Western envi­ron­ment was shaped by a con­tent analy­sis of prior VRET lit­er­a­ture, while par­tic­i­pa­tory design inter­views with indi­vid­u­als from India (N = 4) informed the stray dog envi­ron­ment. By rec­on­cil­ing VRET prin­ci­ples with cul­tural sen­si­tiv­i­ties, HemisFear may offer a path towards effec­tive and inclu­sive treat­ment for cynophobia.


Sauer, Jacob, and Bernhard E Riecke. 2025. “HemisFear: A Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy Prototype Driven by Cross-Cultural Understanding of Dog Phobia.” In ACM CHI EA ’25. Yokohama, Japan. https://doi.org/10.1145/3706599.3719970. (Download)