Design Strategies for Genuine Connection


There is a promi­nent inter­est in the poten­tial of tech­nol­ogy for medi­at­ing social con­nec­tion, with a wealth of sys­tems designed to foster the feel­ing of con­nec­tion between strangers, friends, and family. In this project, we are explor­ing this design land­scape to derive a tran­si­tional def­i­n­i­tion of medi­ated gen­uine con­nec­tion and design strate­gies employed by artists and design­ers to sup­port the feel­ing of gen­uine con­nec­tion. We invite other researchers and design­ers to aug­ment and use the corpus we have com­piled for this analy­sis con­tain­ing designed sys­tems and art­works. This corpus pro­vides a resource for future analy­sis and inspi­ra­tion. Through this project, we hope to inspire and enrich design­ers’ under­stand­ing of the pos­si­bil­i­ties of tech­nol­ogy to better sup­port a medi­ated gen­uine feel­ing of connection.

Database of Systems Mediating Genuine Feeling of Connection

Please con­tribute to our data­base by fill­ing out this form or by send­ing us an e-mail with a spread­sheet. We will then update the data­base by adding your entry.




Katerina’s pre­sen­ta­tion recorded for CHI 2022:


Stepanova, Ekaterina R., John Desnoyers-Stewart, Kristina Höök, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2022. “Strategies for Fostering a Genuine Feeling of Connection in Technologically Mediated Systems.” In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–26. New Orleans: ACM. (Download)