John Desnoyers-Stewart, PhD



Alumnus (PhD)


john_desnoyers-stewart at



Dr. John Desnoyers-Stewart is an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary artist-researcher who cre­ates immer­sive instal­la­tions and per­for­mances to con­nect people and evoke new per­spec­tives on our shared real­ity. He received his PhD in Interactive Arts and Technology work­ing with Dr. Bernhard Riecke and the iSpace lab at Simon Fraser University. He real­izes new pos­si­bil­i­ties work­ing across dis­ci­plines through exten­sive expe­ri­ence as an engi­neer (P. Eng), artist (MFA), and researcher (PhD). His multi-user mixed real­ity instal­la­tions, Star-Stuff, Eve 3.0, and more have been shown in over 60 exhi­bi­tions around the world. Through these instal­la­tions and over 30 peer-reviewed pub­li­ca­tions he hopes to encour­age social con­nec­tion and col­lab­o­ra­tive cre­ativ­ity, explor­ing pos­i­tive social appli­ca­tions of vir­tual real­ity and better under­stand­ing the expe­ri­ence of embody­ing abstract bodies.


Dr. John Desnoyers-Stewart — Portfolio

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. John Desnoyers-Stewart — CV

Research Summary

Mixed real­ity, inter­ac­tive art, social con­nec­tion, embod­i­ment and tac­til­ity, pseudo-haptics, research in-the-wild.


PhD in Interactive Arts and Technology, Simon Fraser University, 2024
MFA in Interdisciplinary Studies (Creative Tech and Computer Science), University of Regina, 2018
BASc in Industrial Systems Engineering (Co-Op), University of Regina, 2011

Select Grants & Awards

Canada Council for the Arts Research and Creation Grant (2021−22)

SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship (2018−2023)

Engineers Canada TD Meloche-Monnex Scholarship (2019)

National Academy of Sciences Student Fellows Symposium Award (2018)

Saskatchewan Innovation and Opportunity Graduate Scholarship (2017)



Awedyssey: VR for pro­mo­ting and enhancing well-being

We are investigating and creating a new virtual reality (VR) experience, 'Awedyssey', for the promotion and enhancement of well-being. Today, digital technology pervasively intersects with our daily lives, and VR stands out as a digital tool capable of fostering positive emotion like awe, self-transcendence, and authentic social connection. Connecting with nature is very important for our mental...

Designing with Biosignals Workshop at ACM DIS 2023

Designing with Biosignals: Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Directions for Integrating Physiological Signals in Human-Computer Interaction ABSTRACT Biosensing technologies are a rapidly increasing presence in our daily lives. These sensor-based technologies measure physiological processes including heart rate, breathing, skin conductance, brain activity and more. Researchers are exploring...

ETC - Embodied Telepresent Connection

Embodied Telepresent Connection (ETC): Exploring Virtual Social Touch Through Pseudohaptics ETC (Embodied Telepresent Connection) is an artistic VR project exploring ways of eliciting a feeling of embodied connection telepresently through pseudohaptics. This project emerged during the beginning of COVID-19-related lockdowns when our social interactions began to inhabit nearly exclusively virtual ...


Reality - Reimagined Synedelica reimagines what is possible with immersive technology, providing a new perspective on reality. In this synesthetic mixed reality experience, visuals of the real world are modulated by sound, attuning immersants to the beauty hidden in the seemingly mundane. Synedelica shows the world in a new light, rekindling childlike wonder and encouraging exploration. ...

Autoethnographic Close Reading of Self-transcendent VR Experiences

Sipping the Virtual Elixir: An autoethno­graphic close read­ing of Ayahuasca Kosmik Journey a self-transcendent vir­tual expe­ri­ence. Recently self-transcendent experiences are gaining interest in the research community because of their ability to support wellbeing. Experiences of self-transcendence can be transformative, leading to a diminishment of self/ego and the feeling of unity with n...

Design Strategies for Genuine Connection

There is a prominent interest in the potential of technology for mediating social connection, with a wealth of systems designed to foster the feeling of connection between strangers, friends, and family. In this project, we are exploring this design landscape to derive a transitional definition of mediated genuine connection and design strategies employed by artists and designers to support the f...

Star-Stuff: a way for the universe to know itself

Available on Oculus AppLab at Inspired by Carl Sagan, Star-Stuff: a way for the universe to know itself is an immersive experience created to remind immersants of their fundamental connection to humanity and the Universe. This hybrid VR artwork brings two people together remotely or in a co-present installation. In both cases, the ...

SIRIUS - Virtual Earthgazing to mitigate effects of sensory isolation

SIRIUS (Scientific International Research in Unique Terrestrial Station) is a series of on-land isolation experiments modelling long-term spaceflight in order to assess the psychophysiological effects of isolation on a crew and prepare for long-duration spaceflights, such as a trip to Mars. An 8-month-long isolation study commenced in Moscow on Nov 4th, 2021, where a crew of 6 people (from Roscosm...

Breath of Light

One must first come to know, through observing oneself — just what one does with breathing. - Elsa Gindler Breath of light is a generative interactive installation, exhibited at the 13th Shanghai Biennale. The installation aims to foster a feeling of connection and awareness through the process of breathing synchronization. Each of the two participants generates their own light with their breat...


Experience space like never before: An awe-inspiring VR experience that takes place in space where the Sun and stars react to biosensors. BioSpaceVR seeks to provide a virtual self-transcendent experience. Self-transcendent experiences are characterized by the feeling of unity with others and the world. Our project is a bio-responsive VR experience that creates an almost childlike experience of ...

Immersive Installation for Creative Expression and Public Performance: Transcending Perception

  Artist Statement Transcending Perception is an interactive Virtual Reality (VR) installation developed by John Desnoyers-Stewart that allows participants to collaborate in the creative, improvisational production of multisensory experiences. Bodies and space are transformed into instruments which translate presence into performance. This installation reminds participants that they are cre...

Body RemiXer

Extending Bodies to Stimulate Social Connection in an Immersive Installation Body RemiXer connects bodies through movement. It is an experiential projection based Virtual Reality installation that explores novel forms of embodied interaction between multiple participants where their bodies mix into a shared embodied representation producing a playful interaction that aims to support the feeling o...

Connecting through JeL – bio-responsive VR for interpersonal synchronization

Can a bio-responsive generative art installation foster interpersonal synchronization and connection? JeL is a bio-responsive, immersive, interactive, generative art installation designed to encourage physiological synchronization between the immersants. In this project, we will be exploring how novel forms of interaction can be included in immersive technology to foster the feeling of connection...

Connected through "AWE": creating immersive experiences for social connection

Do you get enough “awe” in your life? In our busy day-to-day lives, we often take our experiences for granted. While we have the technology to connect with one another, like smart phones, we don’t necessarily get outside with nature, or stargaze. Such activities may consist of common awe-inspiring moments, and we now understand that feeling awe is associated with all sorts of social and well...


Pennefather, P., Rizzotti, P., Desnoyers-Stewart, J., Stepanova, K., Riecke, B., Danenkov, L., Ryzhov, V., Saroyan, J., Beltran, W., & Chak, R. (2020). A Fun Palace: A Mixed Reality Event Through the Looking Glass of Cybernetics. Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 27(2), 61–80.
Desnoyers-Stewart, John, Megan L. Smith, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2020. “Transcending the Virtual Mirror Stage: Embodying the Virtual Self through the Digital Mirror.” In Radical Immersion: Navigating between Virtual/Physical Environments and Information Bubbles, edited by Elena Papadaki, 156–67. DRHA Conference Proceedings.
Desnoyers-Stewart, J. (2022). Star-Stuff [Oculus AppLab].
Desnoyers-Stewart, J. (2022). Star-Stuff [Hoame VR]. Hoame VR.
Spartin, Lark, and John Desnoyers-Stewart. 2022. “Digital Relationality: Relational Aesthetics in Contemporary Interactive Art.” In EVA London 2022, 1–8. London, UK.
Desnoyers-Stewart, John. 2022. “Star-Stuff: A Shared Immersive Experience in Space.” In ISEA 2022, 1–8. Barcelona, Spain.
Pennefather, Patrick P, and John Desnoyers-Stewart. 2022. “The Fun Palace: Designing Human Experiences at Mixed Reality Events to Increase Engagement.” In ISEA 2022, 1–5. Barcelona, Spain.
Stepanova, Ekaterina R., John Desnoyers-Stewart, Kristina Höök, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2022. “Strategies for Fostering a Genuine Feeling of Connection in Technologically Mediated Systems.” In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–26. New Orleans: ACM.
Desnoyers-Stewart, John, Ekaterina R. Stepanova, Philippe Pasquier, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2019. “JeL: Connecting Through Breath in Virtual Reality.” In Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–6. CHI EA ’19. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery.
Kitson, Alexandra J., John Desnoyers-Stewart, Noah Miller, Ashu Adhikari, Ekaterina R. Stepanova, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2020. “Can We Trust What’s Real? Using Fiction to Explore the Potential Dissociative Effects of Immersive Virtual Reality.” In . Honolulu, HI, USA: ACM.
Desnoyers-Stewart, John. 2022. “Star-Stuff: A Way for the Universe to Know Itself.” In SIGGRAPH ’22  Immersive Pavilion, 1–2. Vancouver, BC, Canada: ACM.
Desnoyers-Stewart, John, Megan L. Smith, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2019. “Transcending the Virtual Mirror Stage: Embodying the Virtual Self through the Digital Mirror.” In . London, UK.
Sirius. (2021, October 1). [Curated & peer-reviewed Virtual Reality Exhibition]. V-Unframed, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Stepanova, Ekaterina R., K. Brauns, A Friedl-Werner, Noah Miller, John Desnoyers-Stewart, Ashu Adhikari, Bernhard E. Riecke, and Alexander C. Stahn. 2022. “A Neurophenomenological Approach to Better Understand the Effects of Eliciting Positive Experiences in Virtual Reality.” Poster presented at the Phenomenological Methods in Neuroscience and Consciousness Research workshop, University of Zürich.
Desnoyers-Stewart, John, Ekaterina R Stepanova, Pinyao Liu, Alexandra Kitson, Patrick Parra Pennefather, Vladislav Rhyzhov, and Bernhard E Riecke. 2023. “Embodied Telepresent Connection (ETC): Exploring Virtual Social Touch Through Pseudohaptics.” In Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–7. CHI EA ’23. Hamburg, Germnay: ACM.
Miller, Noah, John Desnoyers-Stewart, Ekaterina R. Stepanova, Alexandra Kitson, Jim Bizzocchi, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2022. “Sipping the Virtual Elixir: An Autoethnographic Close Reading of Ayahuasca Kosmik Journey a Self-Transcendent Virtual Experience.” In Extended Senses (Full Paper), 1–8. London, UK: University of Greenwich.
Stepanova, Ekaterina R, John Desnoyers-Stewart, Philippe Pasquier, and Bernhard E Riecke. 2020. “JeL: Breathing Together to Connect with Others and Nature.” In DIS ’20: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 641–54. Eindhoven, Netherlands: ACM.
Miller, Noah, Ekaterina R. Stepanova, John Desnoyers-Stewart, Ashu Adhikari, Alexandra Kitson, Patrick Pennefather, Denise Quesnel, et al. 2023. “Awedyssey: Design Tensions in Eliciting Self-Transcendent Emotions in Virtual Reality to Support Mental Well-Being and Connection.” In Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 189–211. DIS ’23. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery.
Desnoyers-Stewart, J., Stepanova, E. R., Riecke, B. E., & Pennefather, P. (2020). Body RemiXer: Extending Bodies to Stimulate Social Connection in an Immersive Installation. Leonardo, 53(4), 394–400.
Stepanova, Ekaterina R., John Desnoyers-Stewart, Bernhard E. Riecke, Gijs Huisman, and Abdallah El Ali. 2023. “Human Bodies as Interaction Materials for Somatic, Social, and Multisensory Virtual Reality Experiences.” In CHI’23: Workshop on Body x Materials: A Workshop Exploring the Role of Material-Enabled Body-Based Multisensory Experiences, 1–4. Hamburg, Germnay: ACM.
Stepanova, Ekaterina R, John Desnoyers-Stewart, Alexandra Kitson, Bernhard E. Riecke, Alissa N Antle, Abdallah El Ali, Jeremy Frey, Vasiliki Tsaknaki, and Noura Howell. 2023. “Designing with Biosignals: Detailed Workshop Description.” In Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’23), 1–6. Pittsburgh, PA, USA: ACM.
Liu, P., Desnoyers-Stewart, J., Stepanova, E. R., & Riecke, B. E. (2023). Breath of Light: Towards Reclaiming Shared Breathing through a Meditative Installation. Leonardo, 56(5), 1–17.
Miller, N., Desnoyers-Stewart, J., Stepanova, E. R., Kitson, A., Bizzocchi, J., & Riecke, B. E. (2022). Sipping the virtual elixir: An autoethnographic close reading of Ayahuasca Kosmik Journey, a self-transcendent virtual experience. Virtual Creativity, 12(Extended Senses: Embodying Technology), 27–44.
Desnoyers-Stewart, John. 2023. “Star-Stuff: A Way for the Universe to Know Itself.” Invited Virtual Reality Exhibition presented at the Victoria Extended Reality (XR) Mixer, KWENCH, Victoria, BC, October 19.
Desnoyers-Stewart, John. 2022. “Star-Stuff.” VR Meditation App presented at the Hoame VR, July.
Desnoyers-Stewart, John. 2023. “Star-Stuff: A Way for the Universe to Know Itself.” Presented at the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre, Vancouver, BC, Canada, December.
Desnoyers-Stewart, John. 2023. “Star-Stuff: A Way for the Universe to Know Itself.” Invited Virtual Reality Exhibition presented at the Night of Ideas Vancouver | More? Slow is Beautiful, BCIT Downtown Campus, Vancouver, BC, February 1.
Desnoyers-Stewart, John. 2023. “Star-Stuff: A Way for the Universe to Know Itself.” Invited Virtual Reality Exhibition presented at the Immersive Technologies Seminar Series, University of British Columbia Okanagan Campus, Kelowna, BC, February 8.
Desnoyers-Stewart, John. 2022. “Star-Stuff: A Way for the Universe to Know Itself.” Curated Virtual Reality Exhibition presented at the FIVARS 2022, Toronto, Canada and Los Angeles, November 28.
Desnoyers-Stewart, John. 2022. “Star-Stuff: A Way for the Universe to Know Itself.” Curated Virtual Reality Exhibition presented at the VRE Fest Italy, Milan, Italy, October 6.
Desnoyers-Stewart, John. 2022. “Star-Stuff: A Way for the Universe to Know Itself.” Invited Virtual Reality Exhibition presented at the SFU Surrey Community Open House 2022, Surrey, BC, Canada, October 27.
Desnoyers-Stewart, John, Ekaterina R Stepanova, Pinyao Liu, Alexandra Kitson, Patrick Parra Pennefather, Vladislav Rhyzhov, and Bernhard E Riecke. 2023. “Embodied Telepresent Connection (ETC): Exploring Virtual Social Touch Through Pseudohaptics.” Curated Virtual Reality Exhibition presented at the Intangible Realities Lab Virtual Reality Exhibit, Santiago de Compostella, Spain, April 20.
Desnoyers-Stewart, John, Noah Miller, Patrick Pennefather, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2023. “Synedelica.” Curated Virtual Reality Exhibition presented at the Intangible Realities Lab Virtual Reality Exhibit, Santiago de Compostella, Spain, April 20.
Desnoyers-Stewart, John, Noah Miller, Patrick Pennefather, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2022. “Synedelica.” Curated Virtual Reality Exhibition presented at the V-Unframed, Center for Digital Media (CDM), Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 1.
Desnoyers-Stewart, John, Ekaterina R. Stepanova, Bernhard E. Riecke, and Patrick Pennefather. 2020. “Body RemiXer Virtualization for Recto VRso 2020.” Curated Virtual Reality Archival Work presented at the Recto VRso 2020, Online.
Desnoyers-Stewart, John, Ekaterina R. Stepanova, Bernhard E. Riecke, and Patrick Pennefather. 2022. “Body RemiXer Virtualization for Recto VRso 2022.” Curated Virtual Reality Archival Work presented at the Recto VRso 2022, Laval, France, April 12.
Desnoyers-Stewart, John, Ekaterina R. Stepanova, Bernhard E. Riecke, and Patrick Pennefather. 2021. “Body RemiXer Virtualization for Recto VRso 2021.” Curated Virtual Reality Archival Work presented at the FIAV - Festival International d’Art Vidéo de Casablanca, Laval, France, November 23.
Desnoyers-Stewart, John. 2021. “Star-Stuff: A Way for the Universe to Know Itself.” Curated Virtual Reality Exhibition presented at the V-Unframed, Vancouver, BC, Canada, October.
Miller, Noah, John Desnoyers-Stewart, Ekaterina R. Stepanova, Ashu Adhikari, Alexandra J. Kitson, Denise T. Quesnel, Patrick Pennefather, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2021. “Sirius.” Curated & peer-reviewed Virtual Reality Exhibition presented at the V-Unframed, Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 1.
Desnoyers-Stewart, John, Ekaterina R. Stepanova, Bernhard E. Riecke, and Patrick Pennefather. 2020. “Body RemiXer [Online].” Curated Virtual Reality Exhibition presented at the Recto VRso Vancouver 2020, Vancouver, BC, Canada, October.
Desnoyers-Stewart, John, Ekaterina R. Stepanova, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2019. “Body RemiXer.” Curated & peer-reviewed Virtual Reality Exhibition presented at the Fun Palace Carnival of Mixed Realities, Center for Digital Media (CDM), Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 25.
Desnoyers-Stewart, John, Ekaterina R. Stepanova, Pinyao Liu, Vladislav Ryzhov, Alexandra Kitson, Patrick P. Pennefather, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2023. “Embodied Telepresent Connection (ETC).” Curated Virtual Reality Exhibition presented at the VIFF Signals - Beta Lounge, Bentall II, Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 1.
Miller, Noah, John Desnoyers-Stewart, Ekaterina R. Stepanova, Ashu Adhikari, Bernhard E Riecke, Patrick P Pennefather, Alexandra Kitson, and Denise Quesnel. 2023. “Awedyssey.” Curated Mixed Reality Exhibition presented at the Cosmic Nights: Humans in Space, H.R. MacMillan Space Centre, November 23.
Stepanova, Ekaterina R., John Desnoyers-Stewart, Bernhard E. Riecke, and Philippe Pasquier. 2019. “JeL – Bio-Responsive VR for Interpersonal Connection.” Curated & peer-reviewed Virtual Reality Exhibition presented at the Fun Palace Carnival of Mixed Realities, Center for Digital Media (CDM), Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 25.
Desnoyers-Stewart, J., Meneghini, M. B., Stepanova, E. R., & Riecke, B. E. (2024). Real Human Touch: Performer-Facilitated Touch Enhances Presence and Embodiment in Immersive Performance. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 4, 1–26.
Desnoyers-Stewart, John. 2024. “Expanding Social Realities Through Embodied Immersive Experience.” PhD Thesis, Vancouver, BC, Canada: Simon Fraser University.
Stepanova, E. R., Desnoyers-Stewart, J., Kitson, A., Riecke, B. E., Antle, A. N., Ali, A. E., Frey, J., Tsaknaki, V., & Howell, N. (2023). Designing with Biosignals: Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Directions for Integrating Physiological Signals in Human-Computer Interaction. Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS Companion ’23), 1–4.