Looking for graduate students eager to design & investigate Virtual Reality for positive impact

Bernhard Riecke and his iSpace­Lab are look­ing for sev­eral grad­u­ate stu­dents (PhD or Masters) to join our inter­dis­ci­pli­nary team, specif­i­cally in the fol­low­ing areas:

  • Designing and inves­ti­gat­ing intu­itive inter­faces for embod­ied flying in VR & tele­op­er­a­tion (drones)
  • Reducing motion sick­ness in VR & teleoperation
  • Designing and inves­ti­gat­ing VR expe­ri­ences towards enhanc­ing health and well­be­ing, and more generally
  • Designing and inves­ti­gat­ing VR expe­ri­ences for pos­i­tive impact on indi­vid­u­als and society

We’re part of the School of Interactive Arts & Technology (SIAT), a vibrant trans-disciplinary depart­ment at Simon Fraser University. We’re located in the greater Vancouver region on the West Coast of Canada, where the Pacific Ocean meets the Coastal Mountain range.

Applicants should be highly moti­vated and have a strong inter­est in inter­dis­ci­pli­nary col­lab­o­ra­tive research aligned with the over­all goals and vision of the iSpace lab: http://ispace.iat.sfu.ca/vision/. Please see http://ispace.iat.sfu.ca/contact/  for details on our key research areas, the appli­ca­tion requirements/process, and how you might fit in.

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