Dr. Dzung Vo



Director, BC Children’s Centre for Mindfulness; Head, Division of Adolescent Health and Medicine, Department of Pediatrics




BC Children's Hospital


Dzung X. Vo, MD (pro­nouns: he/him; how to pro­nounce) is a pedi­a­tri­cian spe­cial­iz­ing in Adolescent Medicine, found­ing Director of the BC Children’s Hospital Centre for Mindfulness, and a Clinical Associate Professor and Division Head for the Division of Adolescent Health and Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, at BC Children’s Hospital and the University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. In part­ner­ship with Dr. Jake Locke, Dr. Vo co-developed MARS-A (Mindful Awareness and Resilience Skills for Adolescents), an eight-week mind­ful­ness train­ing pro­gram for ado­les­cents with depres­sive symp­toms, with or with­out other co-occurring chronic ill­ness or chronic pain.  Dr. Vo also devel­oped a Mindful Healing course for health care providers, adapted from Mindful Practice (Ron Epstein and Michael Krasner) and other sources.


Pathways to flourishing

Leveraging Virtual Reality for cultivating compassion, resilience, social connectedness, and healthy habits in emerging adults facing chronic health challenges About half of youths with chronic physical conditions develop anxiety and/or depression, causing significant distress and disruption within their lives over many years. This underscores their need for well-being tools- particularly ones t...


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