iSpace Lab Tackles Cybersickness at ISMAR 2024: Workshop, Tutorial, and Benchmark

We’re excited to announce a com­pre­hen­sive effort to address the chal­lenge of VR sick­ness (cyber­sick­ness) at the upcom­ing ISMAR 2024 con­fer­ence. We’re host­ing a work­shop, deliv­er­ing a tuto­r­ial, and show­cas­ing our open-source cyber­sick­ness bench­mark, all aimed at improv­ing the com­fort and acces­si­bil­ity of vir­tual real­ity experiences.

NoMoSick logo V2 smallWorkshop: "Establishing Standards for Cybersickness Measurement and Mitigation: A Community-Driven Approac

On Monday morn­ing, October 21st 2024, we invite you to join our inter­ac­tive work­shop focused on cre­at­ing stan­dard­ized approaches for assess­ing and mit­i­gat­ing VR sick­ness. We’ll delve into mea­sure­ment met­rics, mit­i­ga­tion strate­gies, user expe­ri­ence, and the chal­lenges of stan­dard­iza­tion. The work­shop will fea­ture light­ning talks, demos, and col­lab­o­ra­tive break­out ses­sions where you can con­tribute your insights and help shape the future of VR well-being. Workshop Details & Registration

CSTutorialISMAR2024Tutorial: "Cybersickness: Understanding the Challenge and Building Solutions with Standardized Benchmark

Later that day, we’ll offer a half-day tuto­r­ial pro­vid­ing a com­pre­hen­sive overview of cyber­sick­ness and intro­duc­ing our open-source bench­mark system. You’ll learn how to eval­u­ate VR expe­ri­ences and mit­i­ga­tion tech­niques, and we’ll have inter­ac­tive work­shops to dis­cuss poten­tial improve­ments and future direc­tions for the bench­mark. Tutorial Details & Registration

Cybersickness Benchmark

Our bench­mark system is a free and open-source tool designed to stan­dard­ize the assess­ment and mit­i­ga­tion of cyber­sick­ness. We encour­age researchers and devel­op­ers to uti­lize and adapt this tool in their work. Learn More About the Benchmark

Join us at ISMAR 2024 as we work together to tackle VR sick­ness and unlock the full poten­tial of vir­tual real­ity tech­nol­ogy! We look for­ward to seeing you there!


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