Tag Archives: VR

iSpace Lab Tackles Cybersickness at ISMAR 2024: Workshop, Tutorial, and Benchmark

We’re excited to announce a com­pre­hen­sive effort to address the chal­lenge of VR sick­ness (cyber­sick­ness) at the upcom­ing ISMAR 2024 con­fer­ence. We’re host­ing a work­shop, deliv­er­ing a tuto­r­ial, and show­cas­ing our open-source cyber­sick­ness bench­mark, all aimed at improv­ing the com­fort and acces­si­bil­ity of vir­tual real­ity expe­ri­ences. Workshop: “Establishing Standards for Cybersickness Measurement and Mitigation: A […]

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Bernhard taught UBISS Summerschool 2024 VR Workshop

“Virtually Real? The Art and Science of Designing Impactful (or Even Transformative?) Virtual Experiences” I had the honour to teach an inten­sive 1-week inten­sive VR jam/workshop at the UBISS 2024 Summerschool at the University of Oulu in Finland, together with co-instructors Dr. Matti Pouke and Dr. Paula Alavesa (both from Uni Oulu, Finland). In just […]

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"Creating a moving experience without moving the observer": Bernhard presenting at Toronto Stereoscopic Film Conference 2013

Here’s a simple video of the invited talk I had the honour to give at the 2013 International Toronto Stereoscopic Film Conference last fall, for those who couldn’t make it. It was enti­tled “Creating a moving expe­ri­ence with­out moving the observer: Perceptual aspects & dis­play fac­tors in immer­sive Virtual Reality”.

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SIAT Showcase: iSpace Multi-modal Virtual Reality Simulator & Sympathetic Guitar

Our new iSpace multi-modal VR sim­u­la­tor was first pub­licly demon­strated at the SIAT show­case on 5. Feb 2011, together with the Sympathetic Guitar project by Jay Vidyarthi which pro­vides the live accom­pa­ni­ment for the video below that we shot we shot after the offi­cial part was over we started play­ing with our new setup. This was […]

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