Author Archives: Bernhard

iSpace Lab Tackles Cybersickness at ISMAR 2024: Workshop, Tutorial, and Benchmark

We’re excited to announce a com­pre­hen­sive effort to address the chal­lenge of VR sick­ness (cyber­sick­ness) at the upcom­ing ISMAR 2024 con­fer­ence. We’re host­ing a work­shop, deliv­er­ing a tuto­r­ial, and show­cas­ing our open-source cyber­sick­ness bench­mark, all aimed at improv­ing the com­fort and acces­si­bil­ity of vir­tual real­ity expe­ri­ences. Workshop: “Establishing Standards for Cybersickness Measurement and Mitigation: A […]

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Bernhard taught UBISS Summerschool 2024 VR Workshop

“Virtually Real? The Art and Science of Designing Impactful (or Even Transformative?) Virtual Experiences” I had the honour to teach an inten­sive 1-week inten­sive VR jam/workshop at the UBISS 2024 Summerschool at the University of Oulu in Finland, together with co-instructors Dr. Matti Pouke and Dr. Paula Alavesa (both from Uni Oulu, Finland). In just […]

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Looking for graduate students eager to design & investigate Virtual Reality for positive impact

Bernhard Riecke and his iSpace­Lab are look­ing for sev­eral grad­u­ate stu­dents (PhD or Masters) to join our inter­dis­ci­pli­nary team, specif­i­cally in the fol­low­ing areas: Designing and inves­ti­gat­ing intu­itive inter­faces for embod­ied flying in VR & tele­op­er­a­tion (drones) Reducing motion sick­ness in VR & tele­op­er­a­tion Designing and inves­ti­gat­ing VR expe­ri­ences towards enhanc­ing health and well­be­ing, and more […]

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HyperJump flying to combat motion sickness: Siggraph 2022 Immersive Pavilion exhibit accepted

Our project “HyperJumping in Virtual Vancouver: Combating Motion Sickness by Merging Teleporting and Continuous VR Locomotion in an Embodied Hands-Free VR Flying Paradigm” will be show­cased at the 2022 Siggraph in Vancouver, see the project web­site for more infos, and join us at Siggraph 2022 in Vancouver to try it out!

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VR Showcase on Wed April 6th 2022 from my IAT 499 Graduation Project Course

On Wed April 6th, from 5-7pm, my Graduation Project stu­dents (IAT 499) will show­case their VR projects, fea­tur­ing video trail­ers, fol­lowed by a chance to expe­ri­ence projects in VR and talk to the cre­ators: see

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3 new iSpaceLab presentations at Spatial Cognition conference

My team just had the oppor­tu­nity to present three talks at the 8th International Conference on Spatial Cognition (that ended up being online, not in Rome unfor­tu­nately). Below are videos of the talks: Riecke, B. E., Hashemian, A. M., Adhikari, A., Aguilar, I., Kruijff, E., & Heyde, M. von der. (2021). Simultaneous Locomotion and Interaction in […]

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Recent VR locomotion presentations at IEEE VR conference

My lab recently had the oppor­tu­nity to present first results from our recent stud­ies at the IEEE VR 2021 Workshop on Finding a Way Forward in VR Locomotion:  How to best move through Virtual Reality if you also have to inter­act at the same time? 7 min talk: 2 min sum­mary   Integrating Continuous and Teleporting VR […]

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Game Design Showcase: 9 April 2021

Join us for our first Twitch-streamed Game Design Showcase on Friday 2:30pm PT to watch, chat, social­ize, talk to instruc­tor & stu­dents, or play your­self! Game topics includ­ing cli­mate change, water crisis, bul­ly­ing, and more.…/iat312/showcase-9-april-2021/  

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Continuous vs. Discontinuous (Teleport) Locomotion in VR: Rethinking how we talk about pros and cons

A short reflec­tion on how properties/attributes of loco­mo­tion tech­niques in Virtual Reality can turn out to be ben­e­fits or dis­ad­van­tages depend­ing on ones goal, con­text etc. To be pre­sented at this upcom­ing IEEE VR 2021 Workshop. cita­tion: Riecke, B. E., & Zielasko, D. (2021). Continuous vs. Discontinuous (Teleport) Locomotion in VR: How Implications can Provide both […]

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1st Workshop on Seated VR co-hosted with IEEE VR 2020, March 22

Daniel Zielasko and Bernhard Riecke will be orga­niz­ing the 1st Workshop on Seated VR on Sunday morn­ing March 22, just before the IEEE VR 2020 con­fer­ence. We call for 1–2 page extended abstracts for authors inter­ested in pre­sent­ing a light­ning talk at the work­shop. See our Seated VR work­shop web­site for details. Here’s my own pre­sen­ta­tion from the work­shop , “Towards […]

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Final event from Semester in Alternate Realities team

Emerging Media BC Community of Practice Event on Friday April 12th 2019: Presentations & VR demos The April 2019 meet­ing (details and RSVP here) will be hosted at the School of Interactive Arts and Technology (SIAT) at the SFU Surrey campus. The theme of this meet­ing is “VR 4Good”, based on the 4Good projects of the […]

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Semester in Alternate Realities 1st VR showcase on Friday February 1st

The Semester in Alternate Realities team is proud to present our stu­dents’ 1st show­case on their Virtual Reality for Good projects (“VR4Good”) in the Mezzanine on our SFU Surrey campus, on February 1st from 1:00 — 4:30 pm. These works were cre­ated by stu­dents from dif­fer­ent SFU depart­ments who joined our Semester in Alternate Realities. They are part […]

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upcoming "Semester in Alternate Realities" course (spring 2019)

Together with my col­league Patrick Pennefather we’re cur­rently design­ing and get­ting ready to co-teach a brand-new 15-credit course enti­tled “Semester in Alternate Realities” In this project-based course, par­tic­i­pants will be chal­lenged to develop solu­tions using tech­nolo­gies such as VR (e.g., Oculus Rift, HTC Vive) and immer­sive multi-modal media instal­la­tions. In addi­tion to focus­ing on the co-construction of […]

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Bernhard's TEDxEastVan talk now online!

My TEDxEastVan talk from September 16th is now finally online! It was enti­tled “Could Virtual Reality Make us More Human” and includes some of our recent research and future direc­tions and exam­ples from my teach­ing on immer­sive envi­ron­ments. Enjoy!

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Bernhard's TEDxEastVan talk

It was such an honour and amaz­ing expe­ri­ence to present at TEDxEastVan on September 16th! Below are some first pic­tures, the video will be released later in October and will be posted here. My TEDx talk was titled “Could Virtual Reality Make us More Human” and included some of our recent research and exam­ples from my teach­ing on immer­sive environments. […]

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Bernhard presenting at TEDxEastVan (Sept 16th)

I’m hon­oured, exciTED (and a bit ner­vous) to have been selected to present at TEDxEastVan on September 16th. My TEDx talk will be titled “Could Virtual Reality Make us More Human” and will include some of our recent research and exam­ples from my teach­ing on immer­sive envi­ron­ments. Here are some of the ideas I’ll put forth: Virtual reality […]

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Virtual Reality - Going Beyond: project videos

For those who couldn’t make it out to our Virtual Reality — Going Beyond show­case from the IAT 445 “immer­sive envi­ron­ments” course, here are some of the project videos. Thanks to all the stu­dents & TA Alex for all the great work and inspir­ing projects! Forlorn Canvas of Sound Echo Adrift Finding Home The Cave

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Virtual Reality - Going Beyond: pictures and posters

Here are some pic­tures and project posters from our Virtual Reality — Going Beyond show­case from the IAT 445 “immer­sive envi­ron­ments” course that I taught with lots of great help from TA & PhD stu­dent Alex Kitson. Project videos will follow soon… Pictures from show­case: Project posters:

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Virtual Reality - Going Beyond. IAT 445 "immersive environments" showcase

IAT 445 Project show­case on Friday June 23, 2017, 10am-2:30pm On Friday June 23, 2017, the stu­dents from my course on “immer­sive envi­ron­ments” (IAT 445) will be pre­sent­ing their final projects in the Mezzanine on our SFU Surrey campus, from about 10am — 2:30pm. 9 stu­dent teams will show­case their own immer­sive Virtual Reality projects that they devel­oped in the […]

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Earthgazement - towards an overview effect in Virtual Reality: first project video

“We went to the Moon as tech­ni­cians, we returned as human­i­tar­i­ans” reflected Edgar Mitchell after his space flight. This describes the overview effect – a pro­found awe-inspiring expe­ri­ence of seeing Earth from space result­ing in a cog­ni­tive shift, lead­ing to a more con­scious and caring view on our planet. Experiencing Earth from space first-hand made […]

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Virtual Reality - the ultimate empathy machine? Project videos

Here’s the offi­cial SFU 1-minute cov­er­age of my IAT 445 Immersive Environments course: And below are some of the videos from our Immersive Environments course from our show­case on (IAT 445). For more infos, see Immersive Environments. We’ll offer the course again in Summer 2017 as a com­pact (inter­s­es­sion) course  Parallel Minds The Reef The Painter Retrograde

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Virtual Reality - the ultimate empathy machine? IAT 445 "immersive environments" showcase

Project show­case on Friday December 9th 2016, 10am-2pm On Friday December 9th 2016, the stu­dents from my course on “immer­sive envi­ron­ments” (IAT 445) will be pre­sent­ing their final projects in the Mezzanine on our SFU Surrey campus, from about 10:00am — 2pm. [update: see media cov­er­age from BlackPress at] 10 stu­dent teams show­cased their own immer­sive Virtual Reality projects that they devel­oped in […]

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3 new iSpace presentations on altered states of consciousness

Alex, Mirjana and Katerina recently pre­sented their cur­rent projects in SIAT’s research col­lo­quium, here’s the video record­ing — Enjoy! Alex Kitson: Are you dream­ing? A phe­nom­e­no­log­i­cal approach to under­stand­ing lucid dreams as a tool for intro­spec­tion and mental well-being Mirjana Prpa & Kivanc Tatar: Pulse Breath Water through the lenses of Art, Technology, Collaboration and Research […]

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16 project presentations from my “Quantitative Research Methods" (IAT802) course...

On November 26th (12:30–2:20),  stu­dents in my grad course on “Quantitative Research Methods & Design (IAT802)” that I teach this Fall 2016 give their final 5:30-min project pre­sen­ta­tions in the SIAT research col­lo­quium at Simon Fraser University. Enjoy! here’s the video record­ing of the whole ses­sion:   Here’s the list of speak­ers and topics Elgin […]

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honourable mention for our ACM SUI conference paper

Our con­fer­ence paper at SUI 2016 just received an hon­ourable men­tion at the ACM SUI con­fer­ence in Tokyo, con­grat­u­la­tions to all! Using a custom-designed foot hap­tics system and eval­u­at­ing it in a multi-part study, we show that adding walk­ing related audi­tory cues (foot­step sounds), visual cues (sim­u­lat­ing bob­bing head-motions from walk­ing), and vibro­tac­tile cues (via vibro­tac­tile transducers […]

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