Empowering and Challenging: ChatGPT’s Role in Interdisciplinary Education

Are AI tools like ChatGPT trans­form­ing edu­ca­tion or cre­at­ing new chal­lenges? In our latest research, we explored how ChatGPT was inte­grated into the Semester in Alternate Realities (SIAR) course at Simon Fraser University—a unique, project-based pro­gram where stu­dents design immer­sive vir­tual real­ity experiences.

Our find­ings reveal how ChatGPT empow­ered stu­dents as a brain­storm­ing part­ner, tech­ni­cal assis­tant, and reflec­tive guide, fos­ter­ing cre­ativ­ity, self-directed learn­ing, and crit­i­cal think­ing. At the same time, it raised ques­tions about over-reliance, eth­i­cal con­cerns, and data pri­vacy. The report offers action­able rec­om­men­da­tions for edu­ca­tors, insti­tu­tions, and stu­dents on respon­si­bly lever­ag­ing AI tools to enhance inter­dis­ci­pli­nary education.

Curious to learn more? Check out the full report and dis­cover how AI is shap­ing the future of learning.

Riecke, B. E., & Stepanova, E. R. (2024). Unleashing AI in the Classroom: ChatGPT’s Influence on Project-Based Learning and Reflective Practice in an Interdisciplinary Course (No. 2; ISpaceLab Technical Report, pp. 1–20). Simon Fraser University. http://ispace.iat.sfu.ca/project/ai-in-classroom/ (Download)


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