HyperJumping in Virtual Vancouver: Combating Motion Sickness by Merging Teleporting and Continuous VR Locomotion in an Embodied Hands-Free VR Flying Paradigm
Motion sickness, unintuitive navigation, and limited agency are critical issues in VR/XR impeding wide-spread adoption and enjoyable user experiences. To tackle these challenges, we present HyperJump, a novel VR interface merging advantages of continuous locomotion and teleportation/dashing into one seamless, hands-free, and easily learnable interface for flying and ground-based locomotion.
Users step onto a virtual hoverboard and simply lean (or move their head) in the direction they’d like to fly in a highly naturalistic Virtual Vancouver 3D model, freeing up hands for other interactions. When virtual speeds reach levels likely to induce motion sickness, HyperJump adds intermittent jumps (teleporting every second, synched to the music beat) instead of accelerating further. The further you lean the further you jump, without increasing continuous travel speed (optic flow) or motion sickness. This allows for easy-to-learn and hands-free precise locomotion across small– to large-scale environments (ground-based and flying), without having to switch interfaces or movement metaphor, or increasing risk of motion sickness.
HyperJump will be exhibited at the 2022 Siggraph conference in Vancouver, BC, Canada in case you’d like to try it out! [patent pending]. the 3D Virtual Vancouver model was provided by GeoSim Cities inc.
We are currently working on making HyperJump available — stay tuned.
Karthik, Kenneth. 2024. “Flying Past Reality: Mitigating Cybersickness and Exploring User Experience in Virtual Reality Flying Interfaces through the HyperJump and Other 3D Locomotion Techniques.” MSc Thesis, Vancouver, BC, Canada: Simon Fraser University. https://summit.sfu.ca/item. (Download)
Riecke, Bernhard E, David Clement, Denise Quesnel, Ashu Adhikari, Daniel Zielasko, and Markus von der Heyde. 2022. “HyperJumping in Virtual Vancouver: Combating Motion Sickness by Merging Teleporting and Continuous VR Locomotion in an Embodied Hands-Free VR Flying Paradigm.” In Siggraph ’22 Immersive Pavilion, 1–2. Vancouver, BC, Canada: ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/3532834.3536211. (Download)
Riecke, B. E., Heyde, M. von der, & Clement, D. (2023). Methods and Systems for Hybrid Virtual Reality Travel User Interface (Canada Patent CA3194128A1). https://patents.google.com/patent/CA3194128A1
Media Coverage on HyperJump Flying
below are a few selected media coverages on this project and potential applications
Adhikari, A., Zielasko, D., Aguilar, I., Bretin, A., Kruijff, E., Heyde, M. von der, & Riecke, B. E. (2022). Integrating Continuous and Teleporting VR Locomotion into a Seamless “HyperJump” Paradigm. IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics TVCG, 29(12), 5265–5281. https://doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2022.3207157 (Download)
Adhikari, Ashu. 2021. “Improving Spatial Orientation in Virtual Reality with Leaning-Based Interfaces.” MSc Thesis, Vancouver, BC, Canada: Simon Fraser University. https://summit.sfu.ca/item/34755. (Download)
Adhikari, Ashu, Daniel Zielasko, Alexander Bretin, Markus von der Heyde, Ernst Kruijff, and Bernhard E. Riecke. 2021. “Integrating Continuous and Teleporting VR Locomotion into a Seamless ‘HyperJump’ Paradigm.” In 2021 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), 370–72. Lisbon, Portugal: IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/VRW52623.2021.00074. (Download)
Riecke, Bernhard E., Ashu Adhikari, Daniel Zielasko, Alexander Bretin, Markus von der Heyde, and Ernst Kruijff. 2021. “HyperJump: Merging Teleporting and Continuous VR Locomotion into One Paradigm.” Talk presented at the ICSC 2021: 8th International Conference on Spatial Cognition, Rome, Italy. (Download)
Riecke, B. E., & Zielasko, D. (2021). Continuous vs. Discontinuous (Teleport) Locomotion in VR: How Implications can Provide both Benefits and Disadvantages. 2021 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), 373–374. https://doi.org/10.1109/VRW52623.2021.00075
Riecke, Bernhard E, and Daniel Zielasko. 2021. “Continuous vs. Discontinuous (Teleport) Locomotion in VR: How Implications Can Provide Both Benefits and Disadvantages.” In 2021 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), 373–74. Lisbon, Portugal: IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/VRW52623.2021.00075. (Download)
Short on time? here’s a 2-minute brief version of this talk