Navigation Interfaces for Virtual Reality and Gaming: Theory and Practice
First version held at IEEE VR 2017, Sunday, March 19, 1:30pm — 5:00pm, updated variants of the tutorial will be presented at
ACM Chi 2018 (slides) and IEEE VR 2018.
At The Spatial Cognition 2018 conference we will present a new tutorial on Spatial Navigation Interfaces for Immersive Environments focusing more on the spatial cognition aspects.
Presenters: Ernst Kruijff & Bernhard Riecke
Description of courses offered at IEEE VR and ACM CHI
In this course, we will take a detailed look at various breeds of spatial navigation interfaces that allow for locomotion in digital 3D environments such as games, virtual environments or even the exploration of abstract data sets. We will closely look into the basics of navigation, unraveling the psychophysics (including wayfinding) and actual navigation (travel) aspects. The theoretical foundations form the basis for the practical skill set we will develop, by providing an in-depth discussion of navigation devices and techniques, and a step-by-step discussion of multiple real-world case studies. Doing so, we will cover the full range of navigation techniques from handheld to full-body, highly engaging and partly unconventional methods and tackle spatial navigation with hands-on-experience and tips for design and validation of novel interfaces. In particular, we will be looking at affordable setups, rapid prototyping methods and ways to “trick” out users to enable a realistic feeling of self-motion in the explored environments. As such, the course unites the theory and practice of spatial navigation, serving as entry point to understand and improve upon currently existing methods for the application domain at hand.
Description of tutorial at Spatial Cognition 2018
Computer-mediated stimuli and environments such as Virtual Reality are becoming increasingly affordable, practicable, and widespread in spatial cognition research. In this tutorial we will provide an overview of the rapidly evolving landscape of navigation interfaces and paradigms used in mediated environments, from Virtual Reality (the main focus) to augmented and mixed reality, games, teleoperation, telepresence, telerobotics, and design review. We will discuss different taxonomies of navigation paradigms, and take a detailed look at various breeds of spatial navigation interfaces and paradigm that allow for locomotion in immersive 3D environments such as virtual environments, games, design review, and telepresence applications. We will discuss relevant differences between navigating real vs. mediated environments, and how this can yield specific challenges including concurrent reference frame conflicts and adverse side-effects such as disorientation and motion sickness. As motion sickness is a widespread challenge in mediated environments, we will discuss underlying causes and potential solutions. These foundations form the basis for the practical skillset we will develop, by providing an in-depth discussion of navigation devices and techniques including data from experiments, and a step-by-step discussion of multiple real-world case studies. Doing so, we will cover the full range of navigation techniques from handheld to full-body, highly engaging and partly unconventional methods and tackle spatial navigation with hands-on experience and tips for design and validation of novel interfaces. In particular, we will be looking at affordable setups and ways to “trick” users to enable a compelling feeling of presence and self-motion in the explored environments. As such, the course unites the theory and practice of spatial navigation in mediated environments. We will conclude with a discussion of open issues and potential future research directions.
Part 1: Principles of Navigation
Part 2: Navigation Devices and Techniques
Part 3: Design, Develop, Validate
Part 4: Case Studies
Here’s a video of Bernhard presenting on some of the course material, from the CVR conference 2017 in Vancouver