(taught 2008 — Fall 2012)
Course map and other information
Sample final project videos from previous course offerings
Many previous course project videos are available at here or directly on youtube or vimeo. Below are some recent sample videos
(SFU Enrollment System; thanks: team 402, Fall 2012)
IAT 201 — SFU ENROLLMENT SYSTEM from Bruce Lui on Vimeo.
(Treadmill Redesign; thanks: team 403, Fall 2012)
Treadmil, Flexdeck Shock Absorption System (Life Fitness 95Ti) Redesign from Adam Lin on Vimeo.
(Cineplex Self-Ticketing Machine ReDesign; thanks: team 205, Spring 2012):

(Sony Reader; thanks: team 102, Spring 2012):
IAT 201 Final Video (Sony Reader) from aaron|lalau on Vimeo.
(Minitab redesign; thanks: team 205, Fall 2011):
[IAT201] Miniclip Redesign from Kim on Vimeo.
Roland digital sampler re-design: (thanks: team 803, Spring 2011!)
iTunes re-design: Thanks: Team 605, Spring 2011!
here’s an older project video (before we started including the final user study results). Thanks: team thunderpunch, fall 2009!)