IAT 445 prior semesters

Fall 2021 offering (in-person)

Impact: Using immer­sive expe­ri­ence design to con­tribute to mean­ing­ful solu­tions to real-world chal­lenges. That is: what is a topic that you (and your team) care very deeply about that would help create a better world? A topic you care about so deeply about that it might be worth making a purposeful/transformative immer­sive VR expe­ri­ence out of it?

Impact: VR4Good IAT 445 Project showcase, Thursday, Dec 2nd, from 2 - 6:30pm

on  Thursday, Dec 2nd, from 2–6:30pm, the stu­dents from my course on “immer­sive envi­ron­ments” (IAT 445) will be pre­sent­ing their final VR projects, fea­tur­ing video trail­ers for each projects, and team inter­views with the VR designers.

The second part (Starting at 4:30) will be live-streamed on Zoom and acces­si­ble to every­one with an inter­net connection


in-person VR showcase: 14:00 - 16:30 (=2-4:30pm)

on the SFU Surrey campus, in room 3140. (direc­tions)

Live-streamed online showcase: 16:30 - 18:30 (=4:30 - 6:30pm): Zoom link

  • 16:30pm: Introductions from Instructor and TA, overview of the course and the projects in the showcase
  • 16:40 — 18:20: live VR project show­case & team inter­view. Moderated VR show­cases and inter­views with the VR designers
    • Team 1–1 16:40
    • Team 1–2 16:55
    • Team 1–3 17:10
    • Team 1–4   17:25
      < poten­tial short break >
    • Team 2–1 17:40
    • Team 2–2 17:55
    • Team 2–3 18:10
  • 18:25: Closing:  Final Q&A, audi­ence ques­tions, closing

if you missed the show­case, here’s a recording:

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IAT 445 showcase poster - 2021 Fall

Details about the VR Projects:


Technically, like, everything is a drum when you think about it

Website of Team 1–1

Razor: Immerse yourself in the sound-driven experience of being alone on a rainy day, combining the percussive capabilities of pots and pans with the impact of droplets falling from the sky– all without getting wet.team11_79632_17673032_Amaoto Poster

By method of tac­tile, sat­is­fy­ing inter­ac­tions with house­hold objects re-contextualized to catch rain­drops, Amaoto guides imm­er­sants through a med­i­ta­tive, self-paced explo­ration of a rainy envi­ron­ment. In doing so, it not only hopes to pro­vide a calm­ing escape, but encour­ages imm­er­sants to find simple joys or a sense of peace within day-to-day inter­ac­tions which they may not have paid close atten­tion to previously.


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project video:

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Invisible War

Be careful, be prepared for next war

Website of Team 1–2

Razor: The user acts as a doctor to learn about The knowledge and impact of COVID-19, and to vaccinate people against COVID-19team12_144636_17669780_IAT445 final project poster-1

World of Virus is an immer­sive expe­ri­ence that puts the player in the shoes of a virus infect­ing the human body. Experience the damage COVID-19 can cause from a first person view and learn about human anatomy along the way.


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project video:

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Habitual Hero

A little good goes a long way

Website of Team 1–3

Razor: Habitual Hero is an immersive VR experience intended to teach users the simplicity of being compassionate and helpful towards othersteam13_122032_17671487_Team1-3poster

Habitual Hero is a challenge-based VR expe­ri­ence that places the user into a test to see how they handle the prob­lems in front of them. Users are given the oppor­tu­nity to become a super­hero in the pre-vr expe­ri­ence and must demon­strate they are a proper fit by com­plet­ing a series of tasks inside the vir­tual world. In the end, the user dis­cov­ers there is no serum to give them powers and that being a hero is help­ing others and being compassionate.


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project video:

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A Waste of Space

Space may be endless, but our pollution shouldn’t be...

Website of Team 1–4

Razor: A satirical VR experience that addresses the carelessness of large corporate companies and their methods of "removing" space debris, indicating a need for a proper mitigation plan in the near future team14_76965_17669819_IAT455 Poster Design 2 - Merged

A Waste of Space is a satir­i­cal expe­ri­ence set in the near future, where large cor­po­rate com­pa­nies launch rock­ets into space and have space sta­tions estab­lished to clean up the left­over debris from these launches. During a rou­tine debris cleanup, the player will be con­fronted with the shock­ing real­ity of the method in which these com­pa­nies sup­pos­edly “clean” up all this waste.


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project video:

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Staying Afloat

The burdens that keep us are only pocket-deep

Website of Team 2–1

Razor:  Pursuit of Happiness type game set in Canada team21_157016_17666154_posterdonejpg

Taking care of a family has never been an easy task, but just imag­ine what hap­pens when you lose your job. Staying Afloat takes its users through a rather unlucky tale of finan­cial burden and how to get one­self and their family back on their feet. Travel the city, chat with others, and do what you need to do to pre­vent your family from suffering.


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project video:

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Beyond the Ruins

It's no longer cruelty on paper

Website of Team 2–2

Razor: To create stories that make people reflect on the war and use the power of immersion to reduce people's prejudices team22_140716_17671404_poster-1

The war cor­re­spon­dent is a role-playing game about the topic of anti-war. The game requires the player to play the role of a war cor­re­spon­dent. They will expe­ri­ence, observe the harm and cru­elty of war to ordi­nary people and even sol­diers from the per­spec­tive of a vul­ner­a­ble person who has expe­ri­enced war. In the game, the player needs to explore the bat­tle­field and use vir­tual cam­eras to record the moment about the war, such as crying chil­dren, injured sol­diers and the let­ters found in the dead sol­diers’ pock­ets. Finally, the player will pub­lish the report after a cer­tain number of photos have been collected.


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project video:

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Lenny the Leaf 

Trees feel too

Website of Team 2–3

Razor: Our goal is to raise awareness towards the health of forests in a playful way by utilizing emotional connection team23_186471_17669074_LennyTheLeafPoster

Lenny the Leaf revolves around a garbage man that dis­cov­ers a sen­tient sapling named Lenny. Lenny is in a forest that has become a garbage dump and asks the garbage man for his assis­tance to restore the forest and save Lenny’s life. The garbage man must do so by com­plet­ing tasks that Lenny asks of him.


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project video:

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Project Posters

Project Executive Summaries

Summer 2021 offering (online)

Impact: VR4Good IAT 445 Project showcase, Thursday June 24th at 10:30

on Thursday June 24th from 10:30 — 1pm, the stu­dents from my course on “immer­sive envi­ron­ments” (IAT 445) will be pre­sent­ing their final projects, live-streamed on Twitch and acces­si­ble to every­one with an inter­net connection

Draft Schedule:

  • 10:30am: Introductions from Instructor and TA, overview of the course and the projects in the show­case on Twitch
  • 10:45 — 12pm noon: live VR project show­case & team inter­view. Moderated VR show­cases and inter­views with the VR design­ers (join us on Twitch)
  • Ca noon – close:  Open social. Your chance to chat, social­ize, and talk to instructor/TA/students in our Wonder.me room.

Recording of live Twitch stream of Showcase:

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IAT 445 showcase poster - 2021 Summer



Still in search of the water

The price of water

Team 1–1

Razor: Experience the daily routine of a girl and the challenges that are faced by her due lack of access to clean water in the village of Ethiopia.

The Well is a sensory-based immer­sive VR expe­ri­ence that allows play­ers to inter­act with game objects to unravel the story of a girl who lives in the vil­lage of Ethiopia. The player gets to expe­ri­ence the daily rou­tine of the girl and the chal­lenges that are faced by her every­day due to the lack of access to clean water; as well as under­stand the girl’s inter­nal wishes and strug­gles. The visual and audi­tory immer­sion will mimic the real-life con­text of vil­lages of Ethiopia to best rep­re­sent the sit­u­a­tion and the envi­ron­ment. In the end, the player will have a per­son­al­ized expe­ri­ence of what a day of life would be like with­out access to clean water and draw com­pas­sion for the girls living in vil­lages of some of the African countries.


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Final project video:

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Depresso Espresso: The Closing Shift

Minimum wage, maximum stress.

Team 1–2

Razor: Taking on the persona of a new worker under the training of a senior employee, players learn basic tasks and interactions with customers that become more demanding and less empathetic, disregarding you and your co-worker’s growing levels of stress.

In Depresso Espresso, imm­er­sants are new hires at a coffee shop, expe­ri­enc­ing their first clos­ing shift with only one senior worker in the store. As they learn and per­form var­i­ous tasks around the store, imm­er­sants wit­ness and expe­ri­ence mis­treat­ment first­hand. Throughout the evening, cus­tomers become more demand­ing and less empa­thetic, lead­ing imm­er­sants to gain aware­ness of the social under­ly­ings of the dehu­man­iza­tion of low-wage workers.

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Forest Restorers

Regrow the forest to nurture nature

Team 2–1

Razor: Restore nature in environments ravaged by deforestation and desertification by understanding the importance of recycling and mindful consumption.

The Guardian of Nature needs your help restor­ing the forests on Earth. Experience the envi­ron­men­tal impact of paper waste gen­er­ated by human activ­ity and the dev­as­tat­ing effects of defor­esta­tion. Discover the impor­tance of recy­cling and pre­vent­ing exces­sive consumption.

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Dolphin Bay: A Disturbing Beach Day

Be the solution to beach pollution

Team 2–2

Razor: A different kind of “beach day” to collect beach litter in a modern world to keep the dolphins from consuming the litter.

The beach is full of sun­shine, but some­times full of garbage as well. Our par­tic­i­pant will be placed in the shoes of a marine con­ser­va­tion­ist and expe­ri­ence what it’s like to be han­dling the garbage on the Dolphin Bay beach and saving marine wildlife from their issues. During the expe­ri­ence, the par­tic­i­pant would be using his phone to com­mu­ni­cate with his friend and receiv­ing instruc­tions. We would like the par­tic­i­pants to engage them­selves in an entirely dif­fer­ent expe­ri­ence and help them create empa­thy for marine wildlife.

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Wheel Life: A World With Limited Mobility

Wheel life, real struggles

Team 2–3

Razor: Live your life to the fullest in an exciting and meaningful journey in a wheelchair, beyond your limits and obstacles.

Wheel Life is a wheel­chair sim­u­la­tor where the imm­er­sant will get to expe­ri­ence common obsta­cles that the mobil­ity impaired face on a reg­u­lar basis. Each player will be given two tasks to do, such as com­plet­ing a daily rou­tine in their home and catch­ing the bus. Once the first task is com­pleted, the imm­er­sant will walk out of the house and onto a step which will tele­port them to the bus scene.

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Project Executive Summaries

Project posters:


Spring 2020 offering:

SHIFT: VR4Good Addressing Climate Change & Consumerism: IAT 445 Project showcase

[NOTE: due to the Covid-19 pan­demic and social dis­tanc­ing mea­sures this show­case will happen only online, below are links to the dif­fer­ent projects and videos.]

On Tuesday April 14th 2020, the stu­dents from my course on “immer­sive envi­ron­ments” (IAT 445) will be pre­sent­ing their final projects in the Mezzanine on our SFU Surrey campus, from about 11am — 3pm.


10 stu­dent teams will show­case their own immer­sive Virtual Reality projects that they devel­oped in the pop­u­lar game engine Unity3D and will present using Vive Cosmos, HTC Vive, or Oculus Quest head-mounted displays.

this semester’s design chal­lenge for stu­dents is Shift: Using immer­sive expe­ri­ence design to con­tribute to mean­ing­ful solu­tions to real-world global chal­lenges, specif­i­cally cli­mate change or con­sumerism. Specifically, you will work in a team and use Unity and the guid­ing frame­works from this course (e.g., immer­sion, pres­ence, user-centered sys­tems design, agile devel­op­ment, trans­for­ma­tive expe­ri­ence design etc.) to iter­a­tively ideate, design, pro­to­type, and eval­u­ate an immer­sive inter­ac­tive VR expe­ri­ence that takes advan­tage of the unique affor­dances and capa­bil­i­ties of immer­sive VR expe­ri­ences. You will design for user expe­ri­ences that have the poten­tial to pos­i­tively shift users’ cognition/perspective and/or behav­ior that would oth­er­wise be impos­si­ble (or not as easily acces­si­ble) to most users. How can you pro­vide inter­est­ing, inspir­ing, or mean­ing­ful VR expe­ri­ences that create a pos­i­tive change in the user? That is, what expe­ri­ences can you pro­vide in VR that are oth­er­wise dif­fi­cult, dan­ger­ous, or hard to expe­ri­ence? Instead of using VR as a diver­sion and ulti­mate sen­sory over­load tool to wow people, think of ways you can use it for some­thing more inter­est­ing, novel, excit­ing, and mean­ing­ful. How will you go beyond tra­di­tional dig­i­tal expe­ri­ences and take advan­tage of the poten­tial of immer­sive technologies/VR?

Project posters:


Projects from Spring 2020

Phoenix's Sacrifice: It only takes a small spark to incinerate a forest, but just one seed to grow a new one.

Razor: Phoenix is an adven­ture game in which the player​ is a bird escap­ing a forest fire with a mis­sion to pre­serve the ecosys­tem for its future inhabitants.

Our project is a ​screen based com­puter game ​which takes place in a forest where a kook­aburra bird strug­gles to escape a fire caused by a patch of grass burned by the scorch­ing sun, a warm­ing cli­mate pos­si­bly due to the long term effects of human indus­trial activ­i­ties. The kook­aburra must flee for its life and join the mass escape of wildlife while car­ry­ing along a seed to bring life to a new area.

The kook­aburra flies through the forest and its wings become engulfed in flames and essen­tially becomes a phoenix. However, when the bird reaches its des­ti­na­tion it dies from the damage caused by the forest fire. In the end, the player’s real­iza­tion sets in that the bird was actu­ally on fire the whole time and had not turned into a phoenix.

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Eden: Homecoming: As the descendant of a dying species living in the sky, humanity and what remains of a desolate earth all depends on you. 

Razor: A play­ful and thrilling sci­ence fic­tion fan­tasy adven­ture puzzle game in a post apoc­a­lyp­tic world with the goal of re-establishing life on earth.

On des­o­late Earth a wind­storm wipes away all living beings destroy­ing every­thing in its path. However, you find what appears to be the sole sur­viv­ing plant left on Earth’s soil. After waking up from the storm, you find your­self on a land away far from Earth with the plant still intact. Everything around you appears broken and in tat­ters. You repair the dam­ages caused by the storm to help create a sus­tain­able envi­ron­ment for the plant. Earth is slowly being puri­fied by the new plant life devel­oped in the sky.

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Air Pollution – The Silent Killer: Act now, create more solutions, not more pollution and change the future.

Razor: Let users feel air pol­lu­tion directly and immer­sive by making them become one of the victims

The Silent Killer is a project that spans time and space. The project envi­sions the future world will be affected by severely pol­luted air. People need to wear masks to sur­vive and living organ­isms die one after another. Spectators need to play the role of people who live in 2095 and go back to the year of 2020 to improve air pol­lu­tion in 2095.
The goal of the project is to lead play­ers to improve the envi­ron­ment of 2095 by doing chal­lenges in 2020. In order to achieve this, play­ers have to sort all the garbage in 2020 in a cer­tain amount of time. And then they will ​get game reward points, they can use the reward points to redeem the saplings of the tree. Besides, the saplings can be planted in the year of 2095 to ​help play­ers improve the air qual­ity in 2095. Otherwise, unsorted garbage will be sent to the garbage burn­ing fac­tory and pro­duce more pol­luted air; and the role may died because of seri­ous air pollution.

Waste Stranded - The Space of Forgotten Echoes: The human in us is greater than what our hands can make.

Razor: Using the latest time-travelling tech­nol­ogy to retrieve an eco­log­i­cal restora­tion machine from the near-future, you may be the only chance Earth has before humanity’s demise.

Waste Stranded: The Space of Forgotten Echoes is a spec­u­la­tive expe­ri­ence where one trav­els to the near-future, before the destruc­tion of mankind, to retrieve an eco­log­i­cal restora­tion machine back to the present with the aid of an AI audio com­pan­ion. As the player expe­ri­ences being in the city of the near-future, they receive flash-forwards of the destruc­tion of earth as result of a time-travel tech­nol­ogy glitch. They are prompted to make deci­sions sim­i­lar to that of our present in the near-future city as well, such as voting. It is a com­men­tary on the present illu­sion of safety while our earth grad­u­ally dies, and empha­sizes the fact that not even the most advanced tech­nol­ogy of our future will be able to save us if we don’t take imme­di­ate actions regard­ing cli­mate change.

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Terrapoint: Collaboration For The Next Generation

Razor: An adven­ture VR game that takes place in post-apocalyptic Earth after the wreck­age of cli­mate change and man-induced destruc­tion — team­work, problem-solving, and eco-friendly tech­no­log­i­cal inno­va­tions are key to pre­serv­ing the planet.

Terrapoint is an adventure-puzzle VR game, where the player joins a team of spe­cial­ists sent by the World Restoration Commission. Their mis­sion is to set up an exper­i­men­tal ter­raform­ing machine called the Tree Pod to help bring the aban­doned Terrapoint District back to hab­it­able levels. The player is equipped with a spe­cial tether gun that pro­vides the abil­ity to con­trol and manip­u­late machines/robots in the envi­ron­ments, which they will need to use for tra­vers­ing the hos­tile game world. The player’s main objec­tive is to uti­lize the tether gun to reach harm­ful tech­nolo­gies, so that they can extract their energy sources and use them for pow­er­ing the Tree Pod. Gameplay com­bines free­dom of explo­ration and puzzle-solving mechan­ics, with some inspi­ra­tion from action games.

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Rabbit Rescue: Why are we scared of the wild, when they are the ones who should be scared of us? 

Razor: You are a lost rabbit in search of your family and a new home, all the while trying to weather the harsh ele­ments caused by cli­mate change.

Rabbit Rescue is an action packed sur­vival expe­ri­ence where you must guide a lost bunny through floods, forest fires and more. Solve puz­zles, con­serve resources, and dodge the deadly ele­ments to help your rabbit sur­vive. Follow a dra­ma­tized ver­sion of a young rabbit losing his home and family to cli­mate change and help him find his way back.

r​E​​​-​​collect: Wield the technology of the future to discover where it ends up today

Razor: A scav­enger hunt framed as an item col­lec­tion quest with Minecraft-like mining in VR but with elec­tron­ics and a linear nar­ra­tive, set within the con­text of e-waste’s effect on the environmen

It is a VR expe­ri­ence where par­tic­i­pants mine and col­lect mate­ri­als from e-waste while they rid an envi­ron­ment of tox­i­c­ity, so that they can per­form actions that allow them to have fur­ther envi­ron­men­tal con­sid­er­a­tions for how they per­son­ally dis­pose and acquire electronics.

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Garbage Man: Searching for the past through the trash 

Razor: A VR fetch quest, explo­ration game that reveals the hidden sto­ries behind objects that were thrown into a landfill

Garbage man is a story focused col­lec­table game where play­ers have a list of items to find. As they find these items, each of these garbage will have a story behind why they need to be col­lected. These items slowly give a story about what hap­pened to this world, why it is so garbage filled, and why your char­ac­ter is doing this.

Birds of a Feather: Despite your best intentions you may fall victim to the harsh outcome of your surroundings 

Razor: Flock together in unity to pro­vide food for your young in the harsh con­di­tions that the envi­ron­ment pro­vides to you. 

Birds of a Feather raises aware­ness of garbage con­t­a­m­i­nants that pol­lute our nat­ural envi­ron­ment beyond our normal level of acknowl­edg­ment.
To swap roles with a bird, you are over­whelmed with amaz­ing free­dom– the abil­ity to search and forage food for your­self. Sometimes nature is for­giv­ing, and the sources of food for sur­vival are abun­dant. There are also times which food is scarcer, and despite your best inten­tions tragedies may occur. The user will do their best to pro­vide nur­ture to their bird, which they will name at the begin­ning of the per­for­mance. The theme of con­sum­ing to sur­vive will serve as a moti­va­tor for proper game­play and nur­ture of the nat­ural envi­ron­ment.
Eventually, the user will real­ize that col­lect­ing and con­sum­ing enough healthy food is impos­si­ble (more dif­fi­cult each day, sim­u­lated by a timer) and if the baby eats too many pieces of garbage they will pro­ceed to become more influ­enced by the sick­ness that the envi­ron­men­tal con­t­a­m­i­nants pro­vide.
Our aim is to edu­cate play­ers the sever­ity of phys­i­cal waste-based pol­lu­tion and the effects to the species that it cre­ates.
Players are able to see the effects of garbage, from the point of view of animal life, and expe­ri­ence how birds are affected by the garbage in their nat­ural envi­ron­ments. We hope to attain through this expe­ri­ence an impact on play­ers that makes them more aware about what we have done to our envi­ron­ment, with the hope that empa­thy influ­ences their future deci­sions in the real world.

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Passing Memories: Nature remembers the fate you chose 

Razor: This is a puzzle game where the story and ending changes depend­ing on how the play­ers com­plete the tasks, and the ending can be flour­ish­ing and vibrant or dark and des­o­late based on the player’s choices

Passing Memories is a nar­ra­tive game cen­tered around trav­el­ling through mem­o­ries of past envi­ron­men­tal actions, and living with the reper­cus­sions. Our player trav­els through rifts in their memory, lead­ing them towards a defin­ing fate. Either their choices are envi­ron­men­tally friendly and save the envi­ron­ment or their choices are lazy and create envi­ron­men­tal ruin. Either way, deci­sions do matter.

Showcase and Project Videos from Summer 2017 offering

On Friday June 23, 2017, the stu­dents from my course on “immer­sive envi­ron­ments” (IAT 445) pre­sented their final projects in the Mezzanine on our SFU Surrey campus, from 10am — 2:30pm.

IAT 445 immersive environments showcase Summer 2017

9 stu­dent teams will show­case their own immer­sive Virtual Reality projects that they devel­oped in the pop­u­lar game engine Unity3D and will present using the Oculus Rift head-mounted display.

Get ready to become a polar bear expe­ri­enc­ing the after­maths of our own deci­sion and how it affects global warm­ing, VR sur­vival train­ing while con­fronted with con­flict­ing inner voices, being a synaes­thete (seeing sound) in tur­moil over a con­flict of artis­tic aspi­ra­tions, unrav­el­ing the mys­ter­ies of an aban­doned man­sion, emo­tion­ally con­nect­ing to a child’s inner world by expe­ri­enc­ing their dreams, expe­ri­enc­ing the lone­li­ness of an aban­doned dog first-hand/paw, and much more.

Some projects draw from con­tem­po­rary indie/art com­puter games like Dear Esther, Journey, or Stanley’s Parable and cinema, fiction/sci-fi, and of course VR. Students were tasked to design for a pur­pose­ful and immer­sive user expe­ri­ence — this semester’s design chal­lenge for stu­dents was Going beyond: “Use unity3D and guid­ing frame­works (e.g., immer­sion, pres­ence, user-centered sys­tems design etc.) to iter­a­tively ideate, design, pro­to­type, and eval­u­ate an immer­sive and inter­ac­tive vir­tual envi­ron­ment expe­ri­ence that “goes beyond”: How could you pro­vide inter­est­ing, inspir­ing, or mean­ing­ful expe­ri­ences in VR? That is, what expe­ri­ences could you pro­vide in VR that are oth­er­wise dif­fi­cult, dan­ger­ous, or hard to expe­ri­ence? Instead of using VR as only a past-time and ulti­mate sen­sory over­load tool to wow people, how could you use it for some­thing more inter­est­ing, novel, excit­ing, or mean­ing­ful?” Be pre­pared for some excit­ing showcases!

In case you can’t make it to the inter­ac­tive project show­case, you can join the public project video pre­sen­ta­tion ses­sion on Thursday June 29th  at 2:30pm, in Surrey room #5380, or wait for the best videos to be posted online.

See SFU’s media release, on publicnow.com for cur­rent media infor­ma­tion, and the Teaching & Learning blog for a news story on this course from Spring 2013, enti­tled: “How a SIAT course in immer­sive envi­ron­ments exposed stu­dents to the real world

See my teach­ing page and SFU media release for more infos. The redesign of the 2013 offer­ing of the course was sup­ported by a Teaching and Learning Development Grant and invalu­able ongo­ing assis­tance by edu­ca­tional con­sul­tant Barb Berry.

Pictures from showcase:

Sample Project Videos

Forlorn YouTube Preview Image

Canvas of Sound YouTube Preview Image

Echo YouTube Preview Image


Finding Home YouTube Preview Image

The Cave YouTube Preview Image

Project posters:

Executive summaries that were handed out during the showcase

Showcase and Project Videos from Fall 2016 offering

IAT 445 immersive environments showcase Fall 2016

IAT 445 immer­sive envi­ron­ments show­case Fall 2016

Below are the project posters and pic­tures from our show­case on Friday December 9th 2016, where stu­dents from my course on “immer­sive envi­ron­ments” (IAT 445) pre­sented their final projects in the Mezzanine on our SFU Surrey campus, from about 10:00am — 2pm. See also SFU’s Media Advisory.

Students were tasked to design for a pur­pose­ful and immer­sive user expe­ri­ence — this semester’s design chal­lenge for stu­dents was evok­ing a strong yet mean­ing­ful feel­ing of empathy

Here’s the offi­cial SFU 1-minute cov­er­age of my IAT 445 Immersive Environments course:

YouTube Preview Image

and media cov­er­age from BlackPress at http://www.northdeltareporter.com/news/405786476.html]

Sample Project Videos

Parallel Minds YouTube Preview Image

The Reef

The Painter YouTube Preview Image

Retrograde YouTube Preview Image

Below are the project posters:

and the first page of the executive  summaries (see here for Full pdf's)

other project pictures and materials:

Showcase and Project Videos from Summer Intersession 2015 offering

Below are the project posters and pic­tures from our show­case on Friday June 26th 2015

this semester’s design chal­lenge for stu­dents was evok­ing a strong yet mean­ing­ful emo­tional or vis­ceral response using an immer­sive envi­ronemnt built with the game engine Unity3D that most stu­dents just started learn­ing at the begin­ning of the semester.

Sample Project Videos

YouTube Preview Image CDM by team Much VR


YouTube Preview Image Mystic by team Mystikal Lab


YouTube Preview Image B-Eye by team Bees


YouTube Preview Image The Passage by team M.O.S.T.


https://vimeo.com/132536087 Hooked by team Muffins

Project showcase on Friday November 28th 2014

Below are the project posters for the Fall 2014 showcase

Project posters:

Sample Project Videos

YouTube Preview Image Omen by team Maze


YouTube Preview Image Love &Grief


Sweet Sacrifice  by team super sparkly pink uni­corn 4K

Impressions from the showcase:

Showcase and Project Videos from Summer Intersession 2014 offering

Below are the project posters for the show­case on Friday June 20th, 2014:

Sample Project Videos

Here are some of the final project videos of the teams:

Team Skywalker: Fall from the sky


YouTube Preview Image Team Dream Up: Awakening




YouTube Preview Image Team Zissou: Glow


YouTube Preview Image Team imag­i­nar­i­ous: Lukomorye

Impressions from the showcase:

Showcase and Project Videos from Fall 2013 offering

Below are the project posters for the show­case on Thursday Nov. 28 2013:

Sample Project Videos

Here are some of the final project videos of the teams:

YouTube Preview Image Team Mindfulness: (REM)INISCENT

YouTube Preview Image Team WAKE: WAKE

YouTube Preview Image Team Segway: Azuria

YouTube Preview Image Team Insanity: Conjecture

Impressions from the showcase:

Showcase, Project Videos, and Portfolios from Spring 2013 offering

Examples from Project Showcase

On April 4 & 5th 2013, the stu­dents from the “immer­sive envi­ron­ments” course (IAT 445) pre­sented their final projects in the Mezzanine on our SFU Surrey campus9 Teams show­cased their own immer­sive Virtual Reality projects that they devel­oped in the pop­u­lar game engine Unity3D - for most of them this was their first expo­sure to the soft­ware. Below are first impres­sions of the show­case — thanks to all the stu­dents for their great contributions!  

Sample Project Videos

Here are some of the final project videos of the teams:

YouTube Preview Image Team Pendulum: Finding Alice


YouTube Preview Image Team UFOria: Alien Abduction


YouTube Preview Image Team Underland: Underlurcker

Additional media cov­er­age: SFU media release


Student Portfolios

Below are some exam­ples from Student port­fo­lios which were cre­ated as part of this course to high­light stu­dents’ skills and projects and pro­mote their com­pet­i­tive­ness on the job market.
Amy Hsuanwen Wang
Devin Cook
Stefan Dalen
Sarah Han
Kyle Historillo
Khalid Abdullah
The redesign of the 2013 offer­ing of the course was sup­ported by a Teaching and Learning Development Grant and invalu­able assis­tance by edu­ca­tional con­sul­tant Barb Berry.

Pictures from previous immersive environments (IAT445) showcases

See IAT 445: Immersive Environments & IAT 445: Immersive Environments Showcase for more details