This course is the Spring 2022 version of IAT 499, taught by Dr. Bernhard Riecke at Simon Fraser University.
Public project showcase on Wednesday April 6th 2022, from 5-7pm
On Wednesday April 6th 2022, from 5-7pm, the students from my Graduation Project course (IAT 499) will be showcasing their final projects, featuring video trailers (<1min each) for each projects, followed by a chance to experience the projects in VR and talk to the project creators.
Location: on the SFU Surrey campus, in room 3140. (directions)
Draft Schedule
4-5pm: setup of projects (internal)
5–7:20pm: public showcase
- Introductions to showcase by Instructor, incl. overview of the course
- 5:10pm: Showing of project trailer videos
- 5:15pm: Live showcase: visitors & students/instructor experience projects)
- Ca 7pm: Closing: Final Q&A, audience questions, closing
Afterwards: Potential social event in brew pub around 7:30
note: VR headsets will be cleaned before each usage. Please wear a mask to keep everybody safe.
Slogan: Peak Into the future 
Project Website: Emendavimus
Technology has become more prevalent in our lives, and become more reliant on it, to the point that each successive generation is exposed to a life dependent on devices to compete in that day and age. As we progress a seemingly inevitable technological singularity between man and machine, we want to be able to simulate a world in which this future has already been realized.
Through VR simulation that follows the life of one unique cyborg individual who is more human than its counterparts, users get immersed into a future in which the technology singularity is nigh. The user will face a scenario and be able to explore areas that present a balance between the two sides: “Why sovereignty of humanity is important” or “Why the mortality of man must be purged by machine.”
Join us to experience how people could/would live in a near future embedded in technology.

full project video:

Dear van Gogh
Slogan: “The day will come, though, when people will see that they’re worth more than the cost of the paint and my subsistence.” - Vincent Van Gogh, 1888
Project Website: Dear van Gogh
Many know the works of Vincent Van Gogh but how much do we know about who he was? Each painting is more than a historical art piece but rather they tell the story about his tragic life. Dear Van Gogh attempts to surface the history of Vincent Van Gogh and his brother Theo through an immersive storytelling experience embedded in Vincent Van Gogh’s paintings.
Trailer 2:
Full project video

Slogan: Listen to the color of the se
Project Website: Umaoto
Motivated initially by an appreciation of virtual reality’s ability to provide meditative havens to those without access to a real world equivalent, Umaoto aims specifically to make use of a tranquil environment in order to bring attention to simple joys which may be derived from everyday objects or occurrences.
What is IAT 499?
‘IAT 499 Graduation Project – Spring 2022’ is an opportunity for you to complete one large detailed project over an entire term.
What kind of project can you do?
There is a lot of freedom in project choice as long as it relates to what we do at SIAT, is of significant scope, depth and contribution, and can clearly showcase your learning. This might include:
- a novel immersive (VR/AR/XR) experience or research/development project
- a novel and well-developed/researched game
- a documentary or creative film
- a novel user experience design project
- a web site or service with front and backend infrastructure that goes beyond what’s typically done
- the creation and study of a new user interaction technique
- and more!
The point is, it’s a project representing a high degree of proficiency.
IAT 499 is not a Directed Study; you’ll dig far deeper into your own project and bring together a variety of skills that you have already learned within your degree.
Interested? Talk with SIAT Advising to put it into your degree plan! And see the SIAT IAT499 website for application instructions and more details.
Course Outline
The goal of the course is for students to complete a project of significant size and scope that allows them to bring together skills and knowledge learned across a variety of courses at SIAT. Individually or as a small team, students will produce an artifact that is of a high caliber (‘portfolio’ quality) along with a detailed report of the project activities completed throughout the term, the methods or processes used, the knowledge learned, and a description of the final outcomes. Projects will be presented publicly at an end-of-term graduation showcase.
The course will be organized and overseen by a faculty lead who will provide breadth knowledge to the students on large-scale graduation projects (e.g., project planning, report writing, professional ethics, and effective communication to various audiences). Students will attend a weekly seminar and present their project progress to other students and receive feedback. The weekly seminar will be facilitated by the faculty lead.
It is also recommended that students have a faculty mentor who will provide depth knowledge on their particular topic focus. Students may optionally have an industry mentor, in addition to the faculty mentor. Students are required to plan their participation in the course at the beginning of the term prior by finding a faculty mentor and producing a draft project proposal approved by the faculty mentor.
Students will create a refined project proposal at the beginning of term that documents their project goals, processes, and final outcomes. Students will then work on their project independently throughout the term with weekly consultations with the faculty mentor and faculty lead. see for more details
Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
- plan and manage a large scale project that moves from an idea’s conception to completed artifact or research outcome
- apply and follow a detailed project plan iteratively to complete a large scale project
- create, analyze, and evaluate a large project iteratively throughout its undertaking
- apply a range of design, media, or interactive system project/research processes or methodologies in a real world project context
- document a large-scale project at all stages so it can be understood by collaborators, industry contacts, and the general public
Spring 2022 projects
Below are draft websites of the different projects
Past projects
- Spring 2021 IAT 499 projects
- Spring 2020 IAT 499 projects:
- Spring 2019 IAT 499 projects