IAT 499: Graduation Project

This course is the Spring 2022 ver­sion of IAT 499, taught by Dr. Bernhard Riecke at Simon Fraser University.

Public project showcase on Wednesday April 6th 2022, from 5-7pm

On Wednesday April 6th 2022, from 5-7pm, the stu­dents from my Graduation Project course (IAT 499) will be show­cas­ing their final projects, fea­tur­ing video trail­ers (<1min each) for each projects, fol­lowed by a chance to expe­ri­ence the projects in VR and talk to the project creators.

Location: on the SFU Surrey campus, in room 3140. (direc­tions)

Draft Schedule

4-5pm:  setup of projects (inter­nal)

5–7:20pm: public showcase

  • Introductions to show­case by Instructor, incl. overview of the course
  • 5:10pm: Showing of project trailer videos
  • 5:15pm: Live show­case: vis­i­tors & students/instructor expe­ri­ence projects)
  • Ca 7pm: Closing:  Final Q&A, audi­ence ques­tions, closing

Afterwards: Potential social event in brew pub around 7:30

note: VR head­sets will be cleaned before each usage. Please wear a mask to keep every­body safe.

IAT 499 showcase how to get there SRYC 3140

IAT 499 showcase poster - 2022 Spring



Slogan: Peak Into the future Emendavimus_Poster_R

Project Website: Emendavimus

Technology has become more preva­lent in our lives, and become more reliant on it, to the point that each suc­ces­sive gen­er­a­tion is exposed to a life depen­dent on devices to com­pete in that day and age. As we progress a seem­ingly inevitable tech­no­log­i­cal sin­gu­lar­ity between man and machine, we want to be able to sim­u­late a world in which this future has already been realized.

Through VR sim­u­la­tion that fol­lows the life of one unique cyborg indi­vid­ual who is more human than its coun­ter­parts, users get immersed into a future in which the tech­nol­ogy sin­gu­lar­ity is nigh. The user will face a sce­nario and be able to explore areas that present a bal­ance between the two sides: “Why sov­er­eignty of human­ity is impor­tant” or “Why the mor­tal­ity of man must be purged by machine.

Join us to expe­ri­ence how people could/would live in a near future embed­ded in technology.


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full project video:

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Dear van Gogh

Slogan: “The day will come, though, when people will see that they’re worth more than the cost of the paint and my subsistence.” - Vincent Van Gogh, 1888eyesofvangogh_LATE_157757_18725755_Poster

Project Website: Dear van Gogh

Many know the works of Vincent Van Gogh but how much do we know about who he was? Each paint­ing is more than a his­tor­i­cal art piece but rather they tell the story about his tragic life. Dear Van Gogh attempts to sur­face the his­tory of Vincent Van Gogh and his brother Theo through an immer­sive sto­ry­telling expe­ri­ence embed­ded in Vincent Van Gogh’s paintings.


Trailer 2:

Full project video

YouTube Preview Image


Slogan: Listen to the color of the seUmaoto_Poster-2

Project Website: Umaoto

Motivated ini­tially by an appre­ci­a­tion of vir­tual reality’s abil­ity to pro­vide med­i­ta­tive havens to those with­out access to a real world equiv­a­lent, Umaoto aims specif­i­cally to make use of a tran­quil envi­ron­ment in order to bring atten­tion to simple joys which may be derived from every­day objects or occurrences.


full project video:

YouTube Preview Image

Project posters

Pictures from showcase



What is IAT 499?

‘IAT 499 Graduation Project – Spring 2022’ is an oppor­tu­nity for you to com­plete one large detailed project over an entire term.

What kind of project can you do?

There is a lot of free­dom in project choice as long as it relates to what we do at SIAT, is of sig­nif­i­cant scope, depth and con­tri­bu­tion, and can clearly show­case your learn­ing. This might include:

  • a novel immer­sive (VR/AR/XR) expe­ri­ence or research/development project
  • a novel and well-developed/researched game
  • a doc­u­men­tary or cre­ative film
  • a novel user expe­ri­ence design project
  • a web site or ser­vice with front and back­end infra­struc­ture that goes beyond what’s typ­i­cally done
  • the cre­ation and study of a new user inter­ac­tion technique
  • and more!

The point is, it’s a project rep­re­sent­ing a high degree of proficiency.

IAT 499 is not a Directed Study; you’ll dig far deeper into your own project and bring together a vari­ety of skills that you have already learned within your degree.

Interested?  Talk with SIAT Advising to put it into your degree plan! And see the SIAT IAT499 web­site for appli­ca­tion instruc­tions and more details.

Course Outline

The goal of the course is for stu­dents to com­plete a project of sig­nif­i­cant size and scope that allows them to bring together skills and knowl­edge learned across a vari­ety of courses at SIAT. Individually or as a small team, stu­dents will pro­duce an arti­fact that is of a high cal­iber (‘port­fo­lio’ qual­ity) along with a detailed report of the project activ­i­ties com­pleted through­out the term, the meth­ods or processes used, the knowl­edge learned, and a descrip­tion of the final out­comes.  Projects will be pre­sented pub­licly at an end-of-term grad­u­a­tion showcase.

The course will be orga­nized and over­seen by a fac­ulty lead who will pro­vide breadth knowl­edge to the stu­dents on large-scale grad­u­a­tion projects (e.g., project plan­ning, report writ­ing, pro­fes­sional ethics, and effec­tive com­mu­ni­ca­tion to var­i­ous audi­ences). Students will attend a weekly sem­i­nar and present their project progress to other stu­dents and receive feed­back. The weekly sem­i­nar will be facil­i­tated by the fac­ulty lead.

It is also rec­om­mended that stu­dents have a fac­ulty mentor who will pro­vide depth knowl­edge on their par­tic­u­lar topic focus. Students may option­ally have an indus­try mentor, in addi­tion to the fac­ulty mentor. Students are required to plan their par­tic­i­pa­tion in the course at the begin­ning of the term prior by find­ing a fac­ulty mentor and pro­duc­ing a draft project pro­posal approved by the fac­ulty mentor.

Students will create a refined project pro­posal at the begin­ning of term that doc­u­ments their project goals, processes, and final out­comes. Students will then work on their project inde­pen­dently through­out the term with weekly con­sul­ta­tions with the fac­ulty mentor and fac­ulty lead. see http://www.sfu.ca/outlines.html?2022/spring/iat/499/d100 for more details

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to:

  • plan and manage a large scale project that moves from an idea’s con­cep­tion to com­pleted arti­fact or research outcome
  • apply and follow a detailed project plan iter­a­tively to com­plete a large scale project
  • create, ana­lyze, and eval­u­ate a large project iter­a­tively through­out its undertaking
  • apply a range of design, media, or inter­ac­tive system project/research processes or method­olo­gies in a real world project context
  • doc­u­ment a large-scale project at all stages so it can be under­stood by col­lab­o­ra­tors, indus­try con­tacts, and the gen­eral public

Spring 2022 projects

Below are draft web­sites of the dif­fer­ent projects


Dear van Gogh


Past projects